######### UPDATED to GameCore-(V0.0.0.2)
- Fixed issue with "VSync", not accepting a variable as a value. {FIX: INT(value) was the solution to the change.}
- Added a temp-intro test, using another suggested game-name, as the test.
- Created and tested scene-swapping ability.
- Added a few notes.
- Added a few generic subs.
I have created a generic "CORE", which I would like considered for acceptance towards the final format. I have created what I believe, is a good opening shell, for the progression of the complete game.
This "CORE", implies that we follow and stick to a single standard, which should hopefully speed-up development, and allow for easy integration and testing as progression takes place.
The main concern would be about individual code wanting to use similar values.
To open the floor to the first suggestion of a standard...
Many common shared values from the core, will/should hold to the same format as an include.
I propose that all includes, unless severely needed, not have any globals. Where a global is needed, I suggest that the creator of the include, ask for a unique "IncludeID", which will be a prefix to all include globals, and will also be a prefix to the include file. (EG, prefix = "i7C_", file would become, "i7C_MyInclude", Globals and constants would become "i7C_MyGlobalVal", "i7C_MyConstantVal".)
I also propose that all includes contain only functions and subs, and not any "Raw-code" outside of functions or subs, as that may interfere with the "Core" operation. This also requires that all SUBS and FUNCTIONS should be registered, so that no two functions in separate includes have the same name.
Beyond that, I have also created a suggestion for the opening level of FLOW, in the form of a generic standard set of universal entities, related to each of the potential uses.
See attached files.
Please, feel free to provide feedback, input, or suggest a change. This is only the opening level of generic development. But has more than enough for us to begin, up to the point of playing. (I am still using the SandBox3 for experimenting with play-elements.)