Quote Originally Posted by Eros Olmi
A suggestion: can you setup a key to switch from one view mode to the other?
Problem is that it is not easy to switch using mouse while you are using arrow keys to drive you car.

I suggest function keys (F4, F5, F6, ...) or use TAB or V key to switch to the next view mode.

Will do, once I get it down to one camera, on a pivot... That was originally setup for watching the 3000 cars run the points... (Seeing how far they stray.)

You should be watching the road, not sight-seeing in a race! Hehe...

I may keep one camera for a rear-view mirror HUD, and the other for the AI playing. I had the player view moving as you sped-up... it lifted up, and pulled away... but that made it a little harder to move. However, ow I know that it can chase you up hills fine.