Hi folks,

tommorow is the official start of the contest. We have allready some ideas how some parts of the game could be working out and I think that this is a good thing. Of course, a lot of the aspects are not dicussed but till the end of October, things shoud be carved in stone. I mean the general direction and the feature set.

To give you all a time table of how I would like to set the milestones of the project, I made this time table. I will extend this over the next weeks as things become more detailed.

October 31st, 2008:

- Feature set decided
- Story and setting finished
- Track implementation done
- Track editor workable
- Dummy artwork for track and vessel for testing provided
- Particle routines done

November 30th, 2008

- OpenGL GUI routines done
- Dummy artwork for gui provided
- Multiplayer routines done
- First play mode playable
- SoundFX provided
- Music partially provided

December 31st, 2008

- Second play mode playable
- First play mode finished
- Artwork finished

January 27th, 2008

- Everything has to be done

January 29th, 2008

- Game packaged and send to CodingMonkeys