Hi all. This is my first post. I just discovered this site (today !!) and I immediately started playing with modules. I was impressed about how easily one can have a module up and running.
I onlty trid with the demo modules so far and here is my question.
Is it possible to define a variable that can be shared between modules and the thinbasic environment ? Think to something like equates but like a variable.
what I mean is a scenario like the following:
1) ModuleA define some new commands and some variables, let's say a variable called myvar of whatever type (let's say a string).
2) Now myvar van be used in tb scripts being assigned a value or used as parameter in function calls or return value.
3) some functions in moduleA (or another one ) needs to get the value of myvar. The module could also change the value of myvar.
Lua and Python already can do this but it's not so easy. What I'm asking if there is some trick to access the TB symbol table from inside a module.
There are other questions I have but, being a TB newbie, I hope to find the answers without bothering all the guys around here...