' Usage of the Choose Instruction example
' Displays an indexed value
' Written by Abraxas
Dim Index as LONG value 3
DIM RetNumber as LONG
RetNumber = Choose (Index, 1,2,3)
msgbox 0,RetNumber
' Usage of the Choose Instruction example
' Displays an indexed value
' Written by Abraxas
Dim Index as LONG value 3
DIM RetNumber as LONG
RetNumber = Choose (Index, 1,2,3)
msgbox 0,RetNumber
Home Desktop : Windows 7 - Intel Pentium (D) - 3.0 Ghz - 2GB - Geforce 6800GS
Home Laptop : WinXP Pro SP3 - Intel Centrino Duo - 1.73 Ghz - 2 GB - Intel GMA 950
Home Laptop : Windows 10 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 2401 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) - 4 GB - Intel HD 4400
Work Desktop : Windows 10 - Intel I7 - 4 Ghz - 8GB - Quadro Fx 370