Maybe not all of you know about the possibility of Eval module to evaluate little scripts more complex than a math or string expressions.
Here a little dummy script just to give you an idea.

The script check if a string variable has a "0" inside it. If yes reports it and parse 3rd token.
 uses "EVAL"
 uses "CONSOLE"
 '---Some timing variable
 dim t0, t1 as double = timer
 '---This string containing the script to be executed
 dim MyString as string = "
       '---DIM AUTO will automatically dimension new variables when found
       dim AUTO
       '---No need to DIM the variable if DIM AUTO is in place
       '---If variable ends with a $ it is string, otherwise numeric (EXT)
       Info_GotIt$ = "" <--- Got it.""

       '---Add a "GOT IT" message every time "0" is found inside the main string
       IF instr(InternalScriptStringVariable, ""0"") then
        InternalScriptStringVariable = InternalScriptStringVariable & Info_GotIt$
        InternalScriptStringVariable = InternalScriptStringVariable & "" Number is: "" & parse$(InternalScriptStringVariable, chr$(32), 3)
       END IF
 '---Used to get back results from Eval
 dim sResult as string

 '---Define a looper and its max
 dim Count   as long
 dim MaxCount as long value 500

 for Count = 1 to MaxCount

  '---Set InternalScriptStringVariable variable and value
  Eval_SetString("InternalScriptStringVariable", "Looper is " & Count)

  '---Eval_String will evaluate MyString and will return result

  '---Get back the value of the internal variable after script has modified it.
  sResult = Eval_GetString("InternalScriptStringVariable")

  '---Write some info output
  printl format$(Count, "0000") & " - Eval_String returned: " & sResult


 '---Measure the ending time
 t1 = timer

 '---Final results  
 printl "------------------------------------------------------"
 printl "Total execution time for " & MaxCount & " loops: " & format$(t1-t0, "#0.00000")

 '---Stop execution