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Thread: High speed links between Asmosphere and thinBasic Modules

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  1. #1

    High speed links between Asmosphere and thinBasic Modules

    This is an idea for establishing direct 3 way linkage between Asmosphere, thinBasic and thinBasic Modules. By using pointers both functions and data can be shared between the three parties without any mediating code, achieving very high performance wherever it is needed. The virtual table function, mtable is easy to add to any module (both PB and FB examples included in the zip below.)

    First a thinBasic script:

    Uses "Oxygen"
    Uses "MyPBModule"
    dim tbl as long = mm_table
    dim result as long

    dim src as string = "

    ;build interface

    def mymodule (mov edx,[#tbl]
    def func1 proc [edx+04]
    def func2 proc [edx+08]
    def func3 proc [edx+12]
    def result [#result]

    ;try func1

    result=mymodule func1 6

    'run the code
    o2_asmo src
    msgbox 0,result

    'msgbox 0,o2_error()+o2_view (src)

    This is a PowerBasic skeleton module showing the virtual table interface with function pointers. Other variables can also be placed in the same table.

    'Skeleton Module "thinBasic_MyPBModule.bas"

    #compile dll

    '#include once ""
    '#include ""

    function func1(byval a as long) as long
    end function

    function func2() as long
    end function

    function func3() as long
    end function

    function mtable() as long
    dim tbl(10) as static long
    end function

    DECLARE FUNCTION thinBasic_LoadSymbol _
    LIB "thinCore.DLL" _
    ALIAS "thinBasic_LoadSymbol" _
    ( _
    BYVAL SymbolName AS STRING, _
    BYVAL ReturnCode AS LONG, _
    BYVAL FunctionOrSubPointer AS DWORD, _
    ) AS LONG

    %thinBasic_ReturnCodeLong= 5
    %thinBasic_ForceOverWrite= 1
    function LoadLocalSymbols Cdecl ALIAS "LoadLocalSymbols" (BYVAL sPath AS STRING) export AS Long
    thinBasic_LoadSymbol "mm_table", %thinBasic_ReturnCodeLong, codeptr(mtable), %thinBasic_ForceOverWrite
    end function

    Function UnLoadLocalSymbols Cdecl ALIAS "UnLoadLocalSymbols" (BYVAL sPath AS STRING) export AS Long
    end function
    Attached Files Attached Files

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