Hi all.
Some users from the USA has reported that connection from the US to www.thinbasic.com is quite slow (10/20 Kb when downloading files from thinBasic).
I've already open a ticket with my ISP that has confirmed a problem when data pass across Cogent network. They are investigating on that but they ask me for further info about other trace.
Here I am to ask you if you have 2/3 minutes to test a trace route to www.thinbasic.com and report me results here.
This is just for people connecting from the USA unless you are experiencing the same poor connection speed.
How to do?
Under Windows, open a command console session (usually using the menu Programs/Utilities/Command prompt).
From there type the following command:
[code=dos]tracert www.thinbasic.com[/code]
This command trace all the jumps a network packet make in order to connect to thinbasic web site and return.
Copy and paste the results here in a new post so I will send them to my ISP.
Another way is to store results into an output file and attach file here in a post. For output file type the following command:
[code=dos]tracert www.thinbasic.com > MyOutPutFile.txt[/code]
You should not see anything on screen till command has finished executing. At the end "MyOutPutFile.txt" will contain results.
Thanks a lot for your help.