TankWars version 3.1
Adjusted the Red and Orange and added a few new colors. Think of Blue as night mode
Thanks to Petr for all his help and for Eros for giving us the fixes and additional requests for thinBasic.
The splash screen has the latest keyboard and gamepad control help.
This version brings a fun ai. The enemy do their patrols until you are in firing range. Then they turn and shot, if you go out of range they will go back to their patrol.
It is fun to tease the tanks this way to see them react. You can also hang at the edge of the range, let them fire and pull back, watch their shot blow up short, what a great feeling.
The game is set for medium difficulty, after a few games go for hardest and try to get a perfect game, that is take out all tanks with no hits on yours.
Good luck!!
Updated 2013: If version 3.1 gives an error then please download and use the fixed 3.2 version.
3.2 Version for thinBasic