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Thread: Using TrIDLib from thinBasic

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  1. #1

    Using TrIDLib from thinBasic

    Here's a small demo that show how to use TrIDLib free edition from thinBasic.
    TrIDLib is a DLL that make implementing the same filetype recognition abilities of TrID on another app / tool a quick & easy task.

    The usage of this edition of the library is free for personal, non commercial, reasearch or educational use.

    The TrIDLib's web page is still being completed, as well as the documentation, but I think the sample source will be enough to get anyone interested up & running.


    ' TrIDLib thinBasic Demo
    uses "console"
    #INCLUDE ""
    #INCLUDE ""
    LOCAL ret   AS LONG      
    LOCAL szBuf  AS ASCIIZ * 4096 
    LOCAL ResNum AS LONG      
    LOCAL ResId  AS LONG      
    LOCAL sOut$  as string
    local MyFile$ as string
    MyFile$ = "triddefs.trd"      ' a random file to analyze
    console_writeline "TrIDLib demo"
    ret = TrID_LoadDefsPack("")    ' load the definitions package (TrIDDefs.TRD) from current path
    ret = TrID_SubmitFileA(MyFile$)  ' submit the file
    ret = TrID_Analyze()        ' perform the analysis
    IF ret THEN
     ResNum = TrID_GetInfo(%TRID_GET_RES_NUM, 0, szBuf)      ' get the number of results
     IF ResNum = 0 THEN
      console_writeline "Unknown filetype!"
      FOR ResId = 1 TO ResNum                  ' cycle trough the results
       Ret = TrID_GetInfo(%TRID_GET_RES_FILETYPE, ResId, szBuf) ' get filetype descriptions
       console_write STR$(ResId)& ":" & $TAB & szBuf
       Ret = TrID_GetInfo(%TRID_GET_RES_FILEEXT, ResId, szBuf) ' get filetype extensions
       console_write " (" & szBuf & ")"
       Ret = TrID_GetInfo(%TRID_GET_RES_POINTS, ResId, szBuf)  ' get the matching points
       console_writeline " -" & STR$(Ret)
     END IF
     console_writeline "Error(s) occurred!"
    END IF
    console_writeline "Press any key."
    Here's the output (the file analyzed is TrID's defs package):
    TrIDLib demo
    File: triddefs.trd
     1:   TrID defs package (TRD) - 22009
     2:   AOS File Format (AOS) - 10000
     3:   Generic RIFF container () - 4000
    Press any key.

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