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Thread: Script plugins

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  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
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    Script plugins

    Hi folks,

    thanks to Eros and his super duper fast development I asked for a feature today at work and now, well see yourself.
    Btw. Eros, I need a new Ferrari. Any chance to have it delivered by the weekend? ;D

    You need the latest release to run this. It's about how to realize script plugins. Here is some sample code (which is attached too):


    ' Script plugin sample by Michael Hartlef

    uses "Console"
    uses "File"

    'include %app_sourcepath%+"\plugins\*.tbasicc" <= this does not work,
    #include ".\plugins\*.tbasicc" ' this works

    Dim MyList() As String
    Dim nFiles As Long
    dim i,c as long
    dim funcname as string
    Dim Result As Long

    'Get the list of files inside the plugins folder
    nFiles = DIR_ListArray(MyList, app_scriptpath+"plugins\", "*.tbasicc", %FILE_ADDPATH)

    console_writeline("The plugin directory contains "+nfiles+" files.")
    'Now loop through all the files and call a certain function
    for i = 1 to nFiles
    'Get the function name
    funcname = FILE_PATHSPLIT(mylist(i), %Path_File)+"_Func"
    'Call the function if it does exist
    if function_exists(funcname) then
    console_writeline(crlf+"calling "+funcname+"..."+crlf)
    call funcname to result

    console_writeline(CRLF+"Press any key...")


    Here is now the code for plugin1 inside the plugins folder


    ' Plugin1
    function plugin1_Func()
    console_writeline("Hello from plugin 1")
    end function


    And of course, plugin number 2


    ' Plugin2
    function plugin2_Func()
    console_writeline("Hello from plugin 2")
    console_writeline("Isn't that great? YES!!!!")
    end function


    It is damn easy. Or?

    Attached Files Attached Files

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