Hi folks,
after 3 weeks part time work, I proud to show off a little 2 player game.
I have to say thank you to Petr Schreiber for providing the TopDown3D
sources as they helped a lot during the development.
The game is called AirDogs 1942 and is a WW2 dogfighting game. It's not 100% finished
but allready fun to play. My son and I enjoy it very much.
The controls are simple:
JoyY to go faster or slower, or UP and Down
JoyX to turn
Button 1 to shot
Button 2 to select
If no joystick is connected, you ADWS and space or LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN,L
Once the bundle functionality is working again, I will create an exe for it.
Like allways, comments are welcome.
Take care
EDIT on June 7th, 2008: Updated the code with bug fixes and singler player code by Petr Schreiber. Also the menu buttons have a better size now so the FPS isn't dropping down anymore.