Hi folks,
this is the version alpha 4 of the DirectInput module.
To explain the parameter joyID, it's a parameter to tell TBDI which controller to use.
It is zero based, so your first controller goes by 0. The type is LONG.
Current Command set
New stuff:
n = TBDI_JoyCount() 'Returns the number of connected controllers
s = TBDI_JoyGetName( joyID as LONG ) 'Get the name of a joystick
n = TBDI_JoyButtonOnce( joyid as LONG, buttonnumber ) 'Returns only once if a button is pressed
Old stuff:
TBDI_Init( hWnd as LONG ) 'Very important, without it is doesn't work
n = TBDI_JoyHasFF(j oyID as LONG ) 'Returns TRUE if Joystick is a Force Feedback-Device
n = TBDI_JoyHasEffect( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns TRUE if the device has buildin effects
n = TBDI_JoyCountEffects( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns the amount of buildin effects
s = TBDI_JoyGetEffectName( joyID as LONG, index as long ) 'Returns the name of the buildin effect
TBDI_JoyPlayEffect( joyID as LONG, effectid as long ) 'Plays an effect with the given ID
TBDI_JoyStopEffect( joyID as LONG, effectid as long ) 'Stops an effect with the given ID
TBDI_JoySetAutocenter( joyID as LONG, %FALSE or %TRUE ) 'Sets Autocenter OFF or ON for FF-Devices
n = TBDI_JoyLoadEffect( joyID as LONG, filename as string ) 'Loads an effectfile and returns the effectid, otherwise -1
n = TBDI_JoyButton ( joyID as LONG, buttonnumber AS LONG ) 'Check if a button is pressed
n = TBDI_JoyX( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the X-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyY( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the Y-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyZ( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the Z-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyRX( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the rotation X-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyRY( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the rotation Y-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyrZ( joyID as LONG ) 'Retrieve the rotation Z-Axxis (default= -1024 to 1024)
n = TBDI_JoyAvail( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns %TRUE if Joystick is available.
n = TBDI_JoyCountBtn( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns the amount of buttons available
n = TBDI_JoyCountAxes( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns the amount of axxis available
n = TBDI_JoyCountPOV( joyID as LONG ) 'Returns the amount of POV switches available
n = TBDI_JoyPOV( joyID as LONG, POVnumber as LONG ) 'Retrieve the POV data in degree*100, POVNUMBER starts with 1
n = TBDI_JoySlider( joyID as LONG, slidernumber as LONG ) 'Retrieve slider data
TBDI_JoySetRangeXYZ( joyID as LONG, min as LONG, max as LONG ) 'Sets the range for all axxis
TBDI_JoySetRangeX( joyID as LONG, min as LONG, max as LONG ) 'Sets the range for X-axxis
TBDI_JoySetRangeY( joyID as LONG, min as LONG, max as LONG ) 'Sets the range for Y-axxis
TBDI_JoySetRangeZ( joyID as LONG, min as LONG, max as LONG ) 'Sets the range for Z-axxis
TBDI_JoySetDeadZoneXYZ( joyID as LONG, percent as LONG ) 'Sets the deadzone for all axxis
TBDI_JoySetDeadZoneX( joyID as LONG, percent as LONG ) 'Sets the deadzone for X-axxis
TBDI_JoySetDeadZoneY( joyID as LONG, percent as LONG ) 'Sets the deadzone for Y-axxis
TBDI_JoySetDeadZoneZ( joyID as LONG, percent as LONG ) 'Sets the deadzone for Z-axxis
Have fun
Michael Hartlef