Hi Guys, I made a 9 tile terrain to use for tests and I thought I would post them here too so you guys can use them for your tests and developments.

The 9 terrains line up as following:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

If you open them up in the model viewer, the first terrain will be visible.
Then set it to smooth and turn lighting on.

Then turn on terrains 2 - 9 visibility on as well as the smooth and lighting.

Then I recommend you got to terrain 1, by pressing 1 on the keyboard
and then CTRL+L for lock, this locks all the other terrains to terrain 1.

Now you can move, scale the terrain and all the other terrains will match.

Happy experimenting. There are no textures for the terrains. with lighting
and smooth on it looks good enough for testing