Hi Guys, I was going through some older music I made in 2005 using the computer and my midi keyboard controller. This is after I sold my Roland Synth and moved to Florida. I usually just improvise based off an inspiration, it could be a mood or a sound I come across while tinkering. Anyways, I usually can only sort of remember what I did for short periods so my improvised pieces are pretty short.
I did a few tracks to get the different guitars sounds and drums. As you can hear it is played live just in tracks as it is not perfect, but has that edge to it being that way. Most of my recordings are this way, although I have done 2 composed pieces and those are totally different to work on.
Anyways this is grungy heavy metal song, I named it "liberation". Hope you enjoy it. I will upload a mellow piece a little later, that too could be used in the game somewhere.