Having fun, if you downloaded the other md2 files I had put up and have them all in the same directory as Roberto's model, this script will load all 4.
I tried to guess the command as it would be in thinBasic based on what Roberto did, but either I am wrong about it, or it is not ready yet. I commented those lines out. But they are where I think they should be to position each model in its own spot, at least not all on top of each other as they are now.
This is fun!!
[code=thinbasic]' Example 01: Hello World - The GUI
uses "Irrlicht"
#include "Irrlicht.inc"
DIM pIIP as dword
dim mesh(4) as dword
dim node(4) as dword
' Create the device
IRR_CreateDevice(pIIP, %IRR_EDT_SOFTWARE, 640, 480, 32, %FALSE, %FALSE, %FALSE, 0)
' Set the title of the display
IRR_SetWindowCaption(pIIP, "Hello World! - Irrlicht Engine Demo from ThinBASIC")
' add a static text object to the graphical user interface, at the moment
' this is the only interface object we support. The text will be drawn inside
' the defined rectangle, the box will not have a border and the text will not
' be wrapped around if it runs off the end
IRR_AddStaticText(pIIP, "Hello World! This is the Irrlicht Software engine from ThinBASIC!", 10, 10, 260, 22, %TRUE, %FALSE)
' To display something interesting, we load a Quake 2 model and display it.
'mesh = IRR_GetMesh(pIIP, "C:\irrlicht-1.3\media\sydney.md2")
mesh(1) = IRR_GetMesh(pIIP, "corpse.md2")
node(1) = IRR_AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(pIIP, mesh(1))
mesh(2) = IRR_GetMesh(pIIP, "solo.md2")
node(2) = IRR_AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(pIIP, mesh(2))
mesh(3) = IRR_GetMesh(pIIP, "super.md2")
node(3) = IRR_AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(pIIP, mesh(3))
mesh(4) = IRR_GetMesh(pIIP, "sydney.md2")
node(4) = IRR_AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(pIIP, mesh(4))
' If everything worked, add a texture and disable lighting
If node(1) then
' IRR_SetNodeFrameLoop(node, 0, 310)
IRR_SetNodeMD2Animation(node(1), %IRR_EMAT_STAND)
IRR_SetNodeMaterialTexture(node(1), 0, IRR_GetTexture(pIIP, "corpse.png"))
IRR_SetNodeMaterialFlag(node(1), %IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, %FALSE)
'IRR_SetNodePosition(node(1), -5,-2,0)
end if
If node(2) then
' IRR_SetNodeFrameLoop(node, 0, 310)
IRR_SetNodeMD2Animation(node(2), %IRR_EMAT_STAND)
IRR_SetNodeMaterialTexture(node(2), 0, IRR_GetTexture(pIIP, "solo.bmp"))
IRR_SetNodeMaterialFlag(node(2), %IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, %FALSE)
'IRR_SetNodePosition(node(2), -2,0,0)
end if
If node(3) then
' IRR_SetNodeFrameLoop(node, 0, 310)
IRR_SetNodeMD2Animation(node(3), %IRR_EMAT_STAND)
IRR_SetNodeMaterialTexture(node(3), 0, IRR_GetTexture(pIIP, "super.bmp"))
IRR_SetNodeMaterialFlag(node(3), %IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, %FALSE)
'IRR_SetNodePosition(node(3), 1,2,0)
end if
If node(4) then
' IRR_SetNodeFrameLoop(node, 0, 310)
IRR_SetNodeMD2Animation(node(4), %IRR_EMAT_STAND)
IRR_SetNodeMaterialTexture(node(4), 0, IRR_GetTexture(pIIP, "sydney.bmp"))
IRR_SetNodeMaterialFlag(node(4), %IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, %FALSE)
'IRR_SetNodePosition(node(4), 4,5,0)
end if
'To look at the mesh, we place a camera into 3d space at the position (0, 30, -40).
'The camera looks from there to (0,5,0).
' while the scene is still running
' begin the scene, erasing the canvas to white before rendering
IRR_BeginScene(pIIP, %true, %true, 255, 100, 101, 140)
' draw the Graphical User Interface
' end drawing the scene and render it
' Stop the irrlicht engine and release resources