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Thread: Different loops type. Speed test script

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    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Different loops type. Speed test script

    How fast are thinBasic loops? Here the answer.

     'Variable declaration
     Dim T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T9 AS quad
     DIM MaxLoops  AS LONG VALUE 100000
     DIM Count   AS LONG
     DIM tmpNumber AS QUAD
     DIM tmpString AS STRING
     DIM Message  AS STRING
     DIM tFormat  AS STRING VALUE "#0"
     'Confirm script execution
     Message = "This program will perform:\n"
     Message += "" & MaxLoops & " FOR\n"
     Message += "" & MaxLoops & " WHILE/WEND\n"
     Message += "" & MaxLoops & " DO/LOOP WHILE\n"
     Message += "" & MaxLoops & " DO/LOOP UNTIL\n"
     Message += "Please press Yes to go on, NO to Stop\n"
     DIM lResult AS LONG = MSGBOX(0, Message, %MB_YESNO, "Continue?") 
     IF lResult <> %IDYES THEN
     END IF
     T0 = GetTickCount
     'Test speed: FOR loop
     T1 = GetTickCount
     tmpNumber = 2
     FOR Count = 1 TO MaxLoops
      tmpNumber += 1
      tmpNumber = (tmpNumber * 2) ^ 2
      tmpNumber = 2
     'Test speed: WHILE loop
     T2 = GetTickCount
     Count = 0
     tmpString = ""
     tmpNumber = 2
     WHILE Count < MaxLoops
      Count += 1
      tmpNumber = (tmpNumber * 2) ^ 2
      tmpNumber = 2
     'Test speed: DO loop WHILE
     T3 = GetTickCount
     Count = 0
     tmpString = ""
     tmpNumber = 2
      Count += 1
      tmpNumber = (tmpNumber * 2) ^ 2
      tmpNumber = 2
     LOOP WHILE Count < MaxLoops
     'Test speed: DO loop UNTIL
     T4 = GetTickCount
     Count = 0
     tmpString = ""
     tmpNumber = 2
      Count += 1
      tmpNumber = (tmpNumber * 2) ^ 2
      tmpNumber = 2
     LOOP UNTIL Count >= MaxLoops
     T9 = GetTickCount
     'Show results with some internal counters
     Message = "Test " & MaxLoops & " loops." & $CRLF
     Message += MaxLoops & " FOR"    & $tab & FORMAT$(T2 - T1, tFormat)      & " msec." & $CRLF
     Message += MaxLoops & " WHILE"   & $tab & FORMAT$(T3 - T2, tFormat)      & " msec." & $CRLF 
     Message += MaxLoops & " DO WHILE" & $tab & FORMAT$(T4 - T3, tFormat)      & " msec." & $CRLF
     Message += MaxLoops & " DO UNTIL" & $tab & FORMAT$(T9 - T4, tFormat)      & " msec." & $CRLF
     Message += "Total    "     & $tab & FORMAT$(T9 - T0, tFormat)      & " msec." & $CRLF
     Message += "Final message"     & $tab & FORMAT$(GetTickCount - T9, tFormat) & " msec." & $CRLF
     MSGBOX(0, Message)
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 08-02-2024 at 19:48. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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