Here it is folks,
the Force is with thinBasic ;D
Attached is the current module and a sample script with a lots of effects (actually they are from the DirectX7 SDK).
These are the new commands:
[code=thinbasic]TBDI_Init(hWnd as LONG) 'Very important, without it is doesn't work
n = TBDI_JoyHasFF 'Returns TRUE if Joystick is a Force Feedback-Device
n = TBDI_JoyHasEffect 'Returns TRUE if the device has buildin effects
n = TBDI_JoyCountEffects 'Returns the amount of buildin effects
s = TBDI_JoyGetEffectName(index as long) 'Returns the name of the buildin effect
TBDI_JoyPlayEffect(effectid as long) 'Plays an effect with the given ID
TBDI_JoyStopEffect(effectid as long) 'Stops an effect with the given ID
TBDI_JoySetAutocenter(%FALSE or %TRUE) 'Sets Autocenter OFF or ON for FF-Devices
n = TBDI_JoyLoadEffect(filename as string) 'Loads an effectfile and returns the effectid, otherwise -1
Have fun.