Here it is, so much fun.
I marked the lines where you can make changes to fit your joystick or gamepad with '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
make sure you have thinbasic_TBDI.dll in your libs folder or put a copy into the bot folder.
who will add sound?
who will add an object to pick up and drop?
can't wait to see your additions.
I added 2 versions since the original post. The first is the original mix of buttons, sliders and axis controls.
I decided to make an all button version this way everyone can control it for sure. The video is the original version.
Button only:
Buttons 1 and 2 control the fingers
Buttons 3 and 4 rotate the base
Buttons 5 and 6 rotate arm1
Buttons 7 and 8 rotate arm2