TopDown 3D - Instant
Here you can find latest download of TopDown 3D.
It is game about shooting, shooting and .. maybe exploding ?
You control little ship which must survive attacks of hordes of enemy ships.
Thanks to kryton9 and MikeHart you can see original models created for this game especially!
What's new in Alpha 3
- Game menu
- Shots push the spaceships back
- When player ship is near death, it explodes a bit, which makes it move randomly ( challenge to control it )
- Each 100 points earned in score, health is improved a bit
- New players ship
- New space rendering ( unique space for each game )
- New billboard manager code, explosions
- Code cleanup
... and more !
Software requirements:
Recomended hardware ( lowest tested ):
AMD Duron 850 MHz
320 MB RAM
ATi Radeon 9600 128MB
Note - it is very probable game will run ok also on much slower computer, I just had no chance to perform test on such a machine yet
Hope you will like it,
TopDown team