I think I may have found a potential bug in ThinDebug in this release.
I have this simple bit of code taken from an example in the documentation and I find when debugging the properties of the array of tAgenda is not updating?
Here is my code
Type tAgenda
age as byte 'Years
payment as long ' Money
drivingLicense as byte ' 0 = no, 1 = yes
end type
%ITEMS = 3
dim Person(%ITEMS) as tAgenda
dim index as long
Person(1).age = 24
Person(1).payment = 1000
Person(1).drivingLicense = 1
Person(2).age = 32
Person(2).payment = 1000
Person(2).drivingLicense = 0
Person(3).age = 64
Person(3).payment = 1000
Person(3).drivingLicense = 1
I have attached images demonstrating the problem step by step and you will see the current line paused on and the current values of the array and you will note that it is displaying incorrect values?
Attachment 10275
Attachment 10276
Attachment 10277