some that are entitled wrong
ThinBASIC Language > thinBasic Functions > Application functions > App > Environ > ...
shows "App.Process.ID"
should be "Environment.*"
syntax here also says
sValue = APP.Environment.*
so i assume the pages title in the navigation tree should show "Environment.*" instead of "Environ.*" (?)
ThinBASIC Modules > UI (User Interface) > CONTROLS > Control Types > Image Control > Image Control Creation > Control Add ...
should be "Control Add Image"
but shows "CONTROL ADD LINE"
ThinBASIC Modules > UI (User Interface) > CONTROLS > Control Types > Richedit Control > Richedit Control Creation > Control Add ...
should be "Control Add Richedit"
but shows "Control Add PropertyList"
ThinBASIC Language > Module Classes > New Operator
should mention alternate syntax or better:
give an example using a to core built-in class
'-- dimension class variable
Dim myTimer As cTimer
'-- instatiate it:
myTimer = New cTimer("myTimersName")
'-- equals creation and instantiation in one go:
Dim myTimer As New cTimer("myTimersName")
When to use what syntax?
'-- one class variable:
Dim oneTimer As New CTIMER("Timer01")
'--array of a class variable
Dim multipleTimers(2) As CTIMER
multipleTimers(1) = New CTIMER("Timer_A")
multipleTimers(2) = New CTIMER("Timer_B")
Msgbox(StrFormat$("oneTimer : {1}{2}multipleTimers 1: {3}{2}multipleTimers 2: {4}{2}",
oneTimer.GetName, $CRLF, multipleTimers(1).GetName, multipleTimers(2).GetName ),
"Timer classes" )