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Thread: FrameRate comparisons

  1. #1

    FrameRate comparisons

    i want to compare the FrameRate in example Uses only "TBGL" with
    hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx
    and another same example but Uses "UI", "TBGL" with the graphics displayed on a Label, and have a button
    the first example i got from official GBuffers_SimpleTriangle.tbasic
    the second i adapted it from an example in the forum

    it happened the first example result is about 60 fps _excellent
    the second example result is about 30 fps even it is only a one triangle.
    unless otherwise it seems a general phenomena in the windowed demos which have controls to have less FrameRates.
    ' Simple example of rendering colorful triangle with GBuffers
    ' Petr Schreiber, 2010
    Uses "TBGL"
    Function TBMAIN()
      Local hWnd      As DWord
      Local FrameRate As Double
      ' -- Create and show window
      hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("GBuffers with triangles - press ESC to quit", 640, 480, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED Or %TBGL_WS_CLOSEBOX) 
      TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      ' -- Create 3D triangle buffer
      Dim gbTriangle As DWord = TBGL_GBufferCreate(%TBGL_Triangles, %TBGL_3D)
      ' -- Define data for it
      Dim VertexA(3) As TBGL_tVector3F
      Dim ColorA(3)  As TBGL_tRGB   
      ' -- Vertices
      VertexA(1).x = -1
      VertexA(1).y = -1
      VertexA(1).z = 0
      VertexA(2).x = 1
      VertexA(2).y = -1     
      VertexA(2).z = 0  
      VertexA(3).x = 0
      VertexA(3).y = 1
      VertexA(3).z = 0  
      ' -- Colors
      ColorA(1).r = 255
      ColorA(1).g = 0
      ColorA(1).b = 0
      ColorA(2).r = 0
      ColorA(2).g = 255
      ColorA(2).b = 0  
      ColorA(3).r = 0
      ColorA(3).g = 0
      ColorA(3).b = 255
      ' -- Create buffer dynamically linked to the arrays above
      TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray(gbTriangle, %TBGL_Dynamic, 3, VertexA(1), ColorA(1))
      ' -- Resets status of all keys 
      ' -- Main loop
      While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd) 
        FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
        TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd, FrameRate)
          TBGL_Camera(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0)
          ' -- Turn triangle
          TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/30, 0, 1, 0
          ' -- Render it                              
          ' -- Modify the colors
          'ColorA(1).r = 128+Sin(GetTickCount/100)*127
          'ColorA(2).g = 128+Sin(GetTickCount/100+1)*127
          'ColorA(3).b = 128+Sin(GetTickCount/100+2)*127      
        ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While 
      ' -- Destroying the buffer is not necessary,
      ' -- the garbage collector will take care of it
      ' -- Destroy window
    End Function
    example 2: opengl rendered with a Label
    Uses "UI", "TBGL"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      ' -- Create 3D triangle buffer
      Global gbTriangle As DWord = TBGL_GBufferCreate(%TBGL_TRIANGLES, %TBGL_3D)
      ' -- Define data for it
      Global VertexA(3) As TBGL_TVECTOR3F
      Global ColorA(3)  As TBGL_TRGB   
      ' -- Vertices
      VertexA(1).x = -1
      VertexA(1).y = -1
      VertexA(1).z = 0
      VertexA(2).x = 1
      VertexA(2).y = -1     
      VertexA(2).z = 0  
      VertexA(3).x = 0
      VertexA(3).y = 1
      VertexA(3).z = 0  
      ' -- Colors
      ColorA(1).r = 255
      ColorA(1).g = 0
      ColorA(1).b = 0
      ColorA(2).r = 0
      ColorA(2).g = 255
      ColorA(2).b = 0  
      ColorA(3).r = 0
      ColorA(3).g = 0
      ColorA(3).b = 255
      ' -- Create buffer dynamically linked to the arrays above
      TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray(gbTriangle, %TBGL_DYNAMIC, 3, VertexA(1), ColorA(1))
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 640
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 480
      %timeOut      = 20   ' -- Determines graphics refresh rate in milliseconds
    End Const
    Function TBMain()
      Global hDlg As DWord 
      Global sheep As Long
      Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Use arrow keys - Pg U/D   - LORENZ PEARLS",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, _
                                         %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _
                                         %WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %WS_CAPTION Or _
                                         %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX Or %WS_MAXIMIZEBOX Or %WS_THICKFRAME, 0 To hDlg
        ' -- Place controls here
        Control Add Label, hDlg, %lCanvas, "", 5, 5, %MAIN_WIDTH-10, %MAIN_HEIGHT-40
          Control Set Color hDlg, %lCanvas, %BLACK, %BLACK
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %lCanvas, 1, 1, 1, 1    
        Control Add Button, hDlg, %bClose, "Close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %bClose, 0, 1, 0, 1    
        Dialog Set Minsize hDlg, 320, 230
        Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgCallback
    End Function   
    CallBack Function dlgCallback()
      Static hCtrl As DWord
      Select Case CBMSG
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
          'Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          'Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          ' -- Init OpenGL
        Case %WM_SIZE, %WM_SIZING
        Case %WM_TIMER
        Case %WM_CLOSE 
          Dialog Kill Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer
        Case %WM_COMMAND
          Select Case CBCTL
            Case %bClose
              If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then Dialog End CBHNDL
          End Select
      End Select
    End Function
    Function RenderMyImage( hCtrl As DWord )
      Static FrameRate As Double
      TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      If TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) Then
       FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
        TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hDlg, FrameRate)
          TBGL_Camera(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0)
          ' -- Turn triangle
          TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/30, 0, 1, 0
          ' -- Render it                              
        ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        'If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hDlg, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While 
      End If 
    End Function

  2. #2
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primo View Post
    i want to compare the FrameRate in example Uses only "TBGL" with
    hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx
    and another same example but Uses "UI", "TBGL" with the graphics displayed on a Label, and have a button
    the first example i got from official GBuffers_SimpleTriangle.tbasic
    the second i adapted it from an example in the forum

    it happened the first example result is about 60 fps _excellent
    the second example result is about 30 fps even it is only a one triangle.
    unless otherwise it seems a general phenomena in the windowed demos which have controls to have less FrameRates.
    Hi Primo,

    1/ have you a demand ?
    2/ second sample has one TBGL_DrawFrame call to much at line #144 or #139 and one TBGL_ClearFrame call to much at line #126 or #130
    3/ in second sample, if your target is your screen refresh rate : try %timeOut = 0 at line #56
    4/ in second sample, for maximum fps, I'd put RenderMyImage(hCtrl) at line #119 instead of #104
    5/ for reference : first sample : 1000 ~ 5000 fps ; second sample : 64 ~66 fps with bursts at +1000 or drops at 32. Moving mouse makes fps steady at 64 ~66 (this is normal as CallBack Function dlgCallback() is called for mouse move)
    6/ For information only, last week, I already told Petr about TBGL_GetFrameRate giving non steady values (bursts).

    Or/And you can try with Dialog Show MODELESS

    Here I get 64 fps steady.

    '---Script created on 12-20-2019 14:23:57 by 
    Uses "UI", "TBGL"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      ' -- Create 3D triangle buffer
      Global gbTriangle As DWord = TBGL_GBufferCreate(%TBGL_TRIANGLES, %TBGL_3D)
      ' -- Define data for it
      Global VertexA(3) As TBGL_TVECTOR3F
      Global ColorA(3)  As TBGL_TRGB   
      ' -- Vertices
      VertexA(1).x = -1
      VertexA(1).y = -1
      VertexA(1).z = 0
      VertexA(2).x = 1
      VertexA(2).y = -1     
      VertexA(2).z = 0  
      VertexA(3).x = 0
      VertexA(3).y = 1
      VertexA(3).z = 0  
      ' -- Colors
      ColorA(1).r = 255
      ColorA(1).g = 0
      ColorA(1).b = 0
      ColorA(2).r = 0
      ColorA(2).g = 255
      ColorA(2).b = 0  
      ColorA(3).r = 0
      ColorA(3).g = 0
      ColorA(3).b = 255
      ' -- Create buffer dynamically linked to the arrays above
      TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray(gbTriangle, %TBGL_DYNAMIC, 3, VertexA(1), ColorA(1))
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 640
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 480
      %timeOut      = 0   ' -- Determines graphics refresh rate in milliseconds
    End Const
    Function TBMain()
      Global hDlg As DWord
      Global sheep As Long
      global hCtrl as DWord
      Global x, y as dword
      Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Use arrow keys - Pg U/D   - LORENZ PEARLS",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, _
                                         %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _
                                         %WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %WS_CAPTION Or _
                                         %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX Or %WS_MAXIMIZEBOX Or %WS_THICKFRAME, 0 To hDlg
        ' -- Place controls here
        Control Add Label, hDlg, %lCanvas, "", 5, 5, %MAIN_WIDTH-10, %MAIN_HEIGHT-40
          Control Set Color hDlg, %lCanvas, %BLACK, %BLACK
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %lCanvas, 1, 1, 1, 1    
        Control Add Button, hDlg, %bClose, "Close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %bClose, 0, 1, 0, 1    
        Dialog Set Minsize hDlg, 320, 230
        Dialog Show MODELESS hDlg, Call dlgCallback
        DIALOG Get SIZE hDlg To x, x
      Loop While x 
    End Function  
    CallBack Function dlgCallback()
      Select Case CBMSG
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
          'Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          'Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          ' Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To htest
          ' -- Init OpenGL
        Case %WM_SIZE, %WM_SIZING
        Case %WM_TIMER
        Case %WM_CLOSE
          Dialog Kill Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer
        Case %WM_COMMAND
          Select Case CBCTL
            Case %bClose
              If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then Dialog End CBHNDL
          End Select
      End Select
    End Function
    Function RenderMyImage( hCtrl As DWord )
      Static FrameRate As Double
      TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      If TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) Then
       FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
        TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hDlg, "fps = " & Format$(round(FrameRate,0),"00000"))
          TBGL_Camera(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0)
          ' -- Turn triangle
          TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/30, 0, 1, 0
          ' -- Render it                              
        ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        'If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hDlg, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While 
      End If
    End Function
    Last edited by DirectuX; 20-12-2019 at 16:10. Reason: Added Sample
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  3. #3
    Thank you DirectuX, no i don't have a demand , it is i have noticed there is no official examples in which tbgl/opengl displayed while there is a button/ textbox ... on the form.
    these are a very nice advises, i have applied your suggestions one by one and when applying advice 4 i got a stable 60 fps, thats excellent for my Desktop computer with spec:
    i5-2500 3.30 GHz
    i never got more than 60 fps.
    the monitor is Led LG 22MP55HQ , refresh rate 60HZ. may be this is why i got 60fps at maximum in best situations.
    Edit i forgot to say my graphics card is Nvidia Geforce GT 640
    Last edited by primo; 20-12-2019 at 17:33.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by primo View Post
    i5-2500 3.30 GHz
    i never got more than 60 fps.
    Edit i forgot to say my graphics card is Nvidia Geforce GT 640
    If you want experience more than 60fps, did you try in your nvidia control panel :
    • setting you nvidia card as preferred 3d card for thinbasic.exe
    • disable vsync for thinbasic.exe

    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  5. #5
    no i don't want to manipulate the defaults, i adjusted the screen for reading. since i have a poor vision.
    i have found a nice example in my hard disk (the code not by me) to get the fps by using glutget function, but it needs the glut32.dll from
    the following code display 60.3 fps, will try it later with other codes
    it runs in winXP32 havn't tested it yet in win7/x64.
    tested okay in TB 1.10.4 but in 1.11.1 it output error msg about
    Uses "tbgl"
      #INCLUDE "%app_includepath%\"
      #Include "%app_includepath%\"
      #Include ""
      Dim hwnd As DWord 
      Global frameCount As Long
      Global previousTime As DWord
      Global timeInterval As DWord
      Global fpsGlut As Single
      Global currentTime As DWord
      hwnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("Geometrical Shapes - esc to exit", 500, 500, 32, 0)
      While TBGL_IsWindow(hwnd)
        If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState( hwnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While  
      Sub init()
        glclearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        glcolor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        glortho(-20.0, 20.0, -20.0, 20.0, -20.0, 20.0)
      End Sub
      Sub display() 
      frameCount = frameCount + 1
      '%GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME = 700 ' used only For glutget_(#GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) Function
        'Get the Number of milliseconds since glutInit called
        '(Or first Call To glutGet(GLUT ELAPSED TIME)).
        currentTime = glutGet(%GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)
        'Calculate time passed
        timeInterval = currentTime - previousTime
        If(timeInterval > 1000) Then
            'calculate the Number of frames per Second
            fpsGlut = frameCount / (timeInterval / 1000.0)
            TBGL_SetWindowTitle( hWnd, "FPS = "+Str$(fpsGlut))
            'Set time
            previousTime = currentTime
            'Reset Frame count
            frameCount = 0
        End If
        TBGL_Translate 10, 0, 0
        TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/10,0,1,0
        'glutWireTorus(GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius,GLint nsides, GLint rings);
        TBGL_Translate -10, 0, 0
        TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/10,0,1,0
        glScalef( 6.0, 6.0, 6.0)
      End Sub
    i will test glutget from freeglut in another time
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
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    Question TBGL_GetFrameRate moving average

    yes, this should be steady as it average the value over 1000 frames.

    I wonder if TBGL_GetFrameRate averages too , but like a moving average over n frames ?
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  7. #7
    havn't seen your example DirectuX in
    i also get 64 fps almost steady, with Dialog Show Modeless hDlg, Call dlgCallback ,strange
    i will test your example with a more complex wireframed graphics , will post soon

  8. #8
    using DirectuX example with Dialog Show Modeless hDlg, Call dlgCallback with a more stressing graphics using glDrawElements with indices
    when the number of points is 100x100 the fps is 64
    when it is 700x700 the fps is 32:
    when it is 1000x1000 the fps is 13, needs a few seconds to display and apparently the computer is stressed
    to experiment change the number of points in line 19

    '---Script created on 12-20-2019 14:23:57 by 
    Uses "UI", "TBGL"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    #Include "%app_includepath%\"
    TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
    Type Point3D
      x As Single
      y As Single
      z As Single
      red As Single
      green As Single
      blue As Single
    End Type
    Global indexSize As DWord
    Dim Nb As DWord =100 ' number of vertexes at each Horzontal line and Vertical line
    Dim Vertex(Nb,Nb) As Point3D 
    Dim indices(2 * Nb * Nb * 2) As DWord ' Can be also specified as UInt32
    ' fill the arrays with data     
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 640
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 480
      %timeOut      = 20   ' -- Determines graphics refresh rate in milliseconds
    End Const
    Function TBMain()
      Global hDlg As DWord
      Global sheep As Long
      Global hCtrl As DWord
      Global x, y As DWord
      Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Use arrow keys - Pg U/D   - LORENZ PEARLS",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, _
                                         %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _
                                         %WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %WS_CAPTION Or _
                                         %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX Or %WS_MAXIMIZEBOX Or %WS_THICKFRAME, 0 To hDlg
        ' -- Place controls here
        Control Add Label, hDlg, %lCanvas, "", 5, 5, %MAIN_WIDTH-10, %MAIN_HEIGHT-40
          Control Set Color hDlg, %lCanvas, %BLACK, %BLACK
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %lCanvas, 1, 1, 1, 1    
        Control Add Button, hDlg, %bClose, "Close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25
          Control Set Resize hDlg, %bClose, 0, 1, 0, 1    
        Dialog Set Minsize hDlg, 320, 230
        Dialog Show Modeless hDlg, Call dlgCallback
        Dialog DoEvents
        Dialog Get Size hDlg To x, x
      Loop While x 
    End Function 
    CallBack Function dlgCallback()
      Select Case CBMSG
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
          'Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          'Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
          Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl
          ' Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To htest
          ' -- Init OpenGL
        Case %WM_SIZE, %WM_SIZING
        Case %WM_TIMER
        Case %WM_CLOSE
          Dialog Kill Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer
        Case %WM_COMMAND
          Select Case CBCTL
            Case %bClose
              If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then Dialog End CBHNDL
          End Select
      End Select
    End Function
    Function RenderMyImage( hCtrl As DWord )
      Static FrameRate As Double
      'TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255
      If TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) Then
       FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
        TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hDlg, "fps = " & Format$(Round(FrameRate,0),"00000"))
          TBGL_Camera(0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0)
          ' -- Turn triangle
    gluPerspective(65.0, 800/600, 1.0, 100.0)
    'glTranslatef(0, 1, -10)
     TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/30,0,1,0  '*************************
     glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
      glEnableClientState(%GL_VERTEX_ARRAY )
      glVertexPointer(3, %GL_FLOAT,SizeOf(Point3D),VarPtr(Vertex(1,1)))
      glColorPointer(3, %GL_FLOAT, SizeOf(Point3D), VarPtr(Vertex(1,1).red))
      'glDrawElements(%GL_POINTS, CountOf(indices), %GL_UNSIGNED_INT, VarPtr(indices(1)))
      glDrawElements(%GL_LINES , CountOf(indices), %GL_UNSIGNED_INT, VarPtr(indices(1)))
        ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        'If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hDlg, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While 
      End If
    End Function
    Sub BuildScene()
    Dim a,b As DWord
    Dim xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax, range, step1, x, y, z As Single
    xMin = -2 : yMin = -2: zMin = -2: xMax = 2: yMax = 2: zMax = 2
    'xMin = -0.5 : zMin = -0.5 : xMax = 0.5: zMax = 0.5
      range = xMax - xMin
      step1 = range / Nb
      x = xMin: z = zMin : y = yMin  
      For b=1 To Nb
        For a=1 To Nb
          'y = Sin(10*(x^2+z^2))/10
          y = Cos(x*x+z*z)
          'y = 0
          Vertex(a,b).x = x
          Vertex(a,b).y = y
          Vertex(a,b).z = z
          If y>=0 Then
            Vertex(a,b).red = 1.0 :Vertex(a,b).green = 0.0 :Vertex(a,b).blue = 0 
            Vertex(a,b).red = 0.0 :Vertex(a,b).green = 0.5 :Vertex(a,b).blue = 0.2
          If y>=0.8 Then
            Vertex(a,b).red = 0.0 :Vertex(a,b).green = 0.0 :Vertex(a,b).blue = 1 
          x = x + step1
        Next a
        x = xMin
        z = z + step1
      Next b
    Dim i As DWord = 1
    Dim yy,xx As DWord
    'Grid Horizontal lines
    For yy = 1 To Nb
      For xx = 1 To Nb-1
        indices(i) = (yy-1) * Nb + xx -1 
        indices(i) = (yy-1) * Nb + xx 
    'Grid vertical lines
    For xx = 1 To Nb
      For yy = 1 To Nb-1
        indices(i) = (yy-1) * Nb + xx -1
        indices(i) = (yy) * Nb + xx -1
    End Sub

  9. #9
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Now that's curious,

    with the intel graphic card I got 64 fps , and 32 with the nvidia.

    Nice teapot by the way
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

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