i hope this works:
Uses "Console"
Declare Function OemToChar Lib "USER32.DLL" Alias "OemToCharA" (lpszSrc As Asciiz, lpszDst As Asciiz) As Long
Dim a As Long
Dim strSrc, strDest, ss As Asciiz
strSrc = "hello world"
a = OemToChar(strSrc, strDest)
PrintL VarPtr(strDest)
ss = Peek$(Asciiz, VarPtr(strDest))
PrintL ss
MsgBox(0, ss)
yet i haven't done reading about what these functions do
the thinbasic CHM lack the help for CharToOem$, it is available only in thinbasic web help
the OemToChar and its sister are not available in the free powerbasic 9.07 it is available only in powerbasic 10