Few examples of the enhancements for those who don't have time to browse whole forum.
OOPification by example
While thinBasic modules already enable way to declare and use classes, thinBASIC itself makes its first brave steps on the road to enable object oriented design. Functions inside type? Inheritance? Read more here
New possibilities of variable declaration
Just a brief example, for more info read here.
Dim v As Long ' -- Classical way
Dim v2 As v ' -- Now it get's interesting, v2 will become of Long data type, just as v is
String sTypeInString = "DWord"
Dim v3 Like sTypeInString ' -- Dynamic declaration of type, based on string variable content -> v3 will be DWord
Expanded OS module power
OS_WinVersionText, OS_WinVersionTimeline with support for Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2012 now!
OS_ProcessGetFullPath to get full information from processID, like:
Uses "OS"
DWord pID = OS_ProcessGetId("thinBasic.exe")
String sPath = OS_ProcessGetFullPath(pID)
MsgBox 0, sPath
...and much more. See the What's new section in ThinBASIC help file, as usual 