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Thread: Flame Lua

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs danbaron's Avatar
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    Flame Lua

    If you're going to write a game, you must use a special game language, like Lua, right?

    It only follows that, if you're going to write a virus, you must use a special virus language, correct?

    "You can't cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump." - W.C.Fields

  2. #2
    Member matthew's Avatar
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    Apparently the Obama Administration has taken direct responsibility for these Cyber-Attacks.

  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs danbaron's Avatar
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    I think, the United States will never officially admit its responsibility.

    To me, an indicator of a rogue state, is one which "unsigns" its membership in the ICC.

    "Three of these states—Israel, Sudan and the United States—have "unsigned" the Rome Statute, indicating that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, they have no legal obligations arising from their former representatives' signature of the Statute."

    Let me know when I can get away with "unsigning" an agreement.

    But, that's an advantage of power, right?

    Practically, in view of fact, legality only matters when there is enforcement.

    "International law? I'd better call my lawyer."

    (In my opinion, Bush Junior's whole life depended on his family's ability to insure that what rules applied to almost everyone else, did not in fact, apply to him. So, when he made the above statement, it was nothing new to him, his entire life until then had been contingent upon the law not applying to him personally (I wonder if there is a similar story for Blair.). He knew it like he knew that he had a nose. Otherwise (if what applied to one, applied to all, and vice versa), how could such a malignant moron have become president of the most powerful country on the planet? Similarly, the same type (like Bush Junior) of rulers appear again and again in monarchies. They don't take the throne by virtue of their benevolence and wisdom. And, when they're on the throne, they don't hide their disdain for equality, fairness, and justice. Why? Because, they know, since birth they have known, that they (
    equality, fairness, justice) would be a bane to, and fortunately do not not apply to, themselves.)

    Without enforcement, what would any law amount to?

    I think in actuality, especially in the United States, that is the primary reason for the existence of the police - not to prevent crimes, but to prevent people from ignoring the law.

    Think about the origin of the word "scofflaw".

    Those at the top have a very strong interest in maintaining order.

    Here, day by day, society becomes more savage.

    Multiple murders, which perhaps just 10 years ago, were extremely rare, are now almost daily events, and gain almost no attention.

    Here and now, people are killed by the police even for traffic violations.

    Any infraction can escalate until the police use deadly force.

    It becomes apparent that the worst violation, is to defy, to potentially embarrass (shame, humiliate) the police.

    When the inequality becomes too great, the result is something called a "police state", correct?

    History shows again and again, that the tiny minority at the top of the pyramid, will do anything to maintain the system, and to protect itself, to insulate itself, from, the "rabble".

    (In medieval times, royalty lived in castles, with drawbridges and moats. Now, here, many rich live in "gated communities", often with private security forces. What is the fundamental difference?)

    But here, the corporate media act as if nothing is changing for the worse, if you listen to them, everything is the same as it has always been - the result?, the people are slowly "boiled".

    The members of the corporate media are courtiers, their ability to continue to survive and thrive, depends on the perpetuation of the "royal" court, the perpetuation of the system in its present form.

    Anyone who publicly indicates that, "the king has no clothes", minimally, is vilified, or called crazy.

    But, as life becomes harder and harder for the average citizen, more and more of them become "impolite" enough, to begin voicing their anger at the injustice.

    Whether the "elite" like it or not, and no matter how much propaganda they disseminate to the contrary, people view life becoming harder and harder for themselves by the day, while it becomes, and they see it become, easier and easier for those at the top of the power structure, as injustice.

    How uncouth!


    What better boost for a computer language, than to have the United States write a 20MB virus with it?

    Roberto Ierusalimschy, the primary force behind Lua, is now a professor of computer science, in Brazil.

    Lua is a scripting language, a "glue" language.

    The interpreter is written in C.

    What is included in the Flame virus, the Lua interpreter?, I don't know.

    Last edited by danbaron; 02-06-2012 at 00:40.
    "You can't cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump." - W.C.Fields

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