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Thread: MediaPlayer in ThinBasic form

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    MediaPlayer in ThinBasic form

    I'm trying to use the Windows Media Player in ThinBasic (beta, I based my script on "ThinGames", also in this forum.

    I know that COM/ActiveX support is not complete, but I'm trying to understand why this script doesn't work with the latest Media Player. When I try to call any method or set property, the application crashes. Maybe it's a problem with threading or other...

    Any help?

     Uses "UI"
     Uses "COM"
     Declare Function UnregisterClass  Lib "USER32.DLL"  Alias "UnregisterClassA" (ByVal lpClassName As Asciiz, ByVal hInstance As DWord) As Long
     Declare Function GetModuleHandle  Lib "KERNEL32.DLL" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As Asciiz) As DWord
     Declare Function AtlAxWinInit Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxWinInit" () As Long
     Declare Function AtlAxGetControl Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxGetControl" (ByVal hControl As DWord, ByRef pObject As DWord) As Long 
     Function AtlAxWinTerm () As Long
      UnregisterClass ("AtlAxWin", GetModuleHandle(%NULL))
     End Function
     Dim Msg   As Long
     Dim wParam As Long
     Dim lParam As Long
     Dim hDlg  As Long
     Dim wx, hy As Long
     Dim hCtrl  As Long
     %Max_Param = 3
     Dim vParam(%Max_Param) As Variant
     %ID_OCX = 1001
     %ID_BUTTON = 1002
     Dim oMediaPlayer As DWord    
     $CLASS  = "WMPlayer.OCX"
     Dialog New 0, "Media Player", -1, -1, 220, 300, %DS_CENTER, 0 To hDlg
     Control Add "AtlAxWin", hDlg, %ID_OCX, $CLASS, 10, 50, 200, 200, %WS_CHILD Or %WS_VISIBLE
     Control Add Button hDlg, %ID_BUTTON, "Play", 10, 10, 50, 25, Call onClick
     Dialog Get Client hdlg To wx, hy
     Control Set Resize hDlg, %ID_OCX, 1, 1, 1, 1
     Control Handle hDlg, %ID_OCX To hCtrl
     AtlAxGetControl(hCtrl, oMediaPlayer) 
     Dialog Show Modeless hDlg
     While IsWindow(hDlg)         
      Msg = GetMessage(hDlg, wParam, lParam)    
      Select Case Msg
       Case %WM_INITDIALOG     
       Case %WM_COMMAND
       Case %WM_SYSCOMMAND
        Select Case wParam
         Case %SC_CLOSE
          Exit While
        End Select 
       Case Else
      End Select
     Dialog End hDlg
     CallBack Function onClick()
      If CBMSG = %WM_COMMAND Then
       Select Case CBCTLMSG
        Case %BN_CLICKED
         If CBCTL = %ID_BUTTON Then   
          vParam(1) = "" 
          COM_EXECUTE(oMediaPlayer, "Url", %TB_DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, vParam, 0)
         End If
       End Select
      End If
     End Function
    There is no bad programming language - only bad programmers

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: MediaPlayer in ThinBasic form

    Hi Rocco,

    I am sadly not expert on COM, but if you like to render video inside dialog, you could use header file from here:
    MCI Video Wrapper

    COM module was developed by Roberto Biancchi, I hope he will come back to development some time in future, but I have no news from him.
    Eros had plan to take different approach on COM, using the "normal" dotted syntax, but when this will be completed I cannot say.

    I hope in the meantime the MCI solution could be of interest to you - it plays both video and music.

    For sound, there is also TBASS module, quite advanced one, based on famous BASS library.

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  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs
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    May 2007
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    Re: MediaPlayer in ThinBasic form

    Hello Rocco

    Here is a version of your script just using callbacks and with a quit option.

    I cant see what causes the crash but my knowledge of COM is near zero, is the value returned by "AtlAxGetControl(hCtrl, oMediaPlayer) " correct?

    can I also suggest using the Syntax Highlight (ThinBasic) when posting code as your previous post contained hidden characters.
    Uses "UI","COM"

    Declare Function UnregisterClass Lib "USER32.DLL" Alias "UnregisterClassA" (ByVal lpClassName As Asciiz, ByVal hInstance As DWord) As Long
    Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "KERNEL32.DLL" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As Asciiz) As DWord

    Declare Function AtlAxWinInit Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxWinInit" () As Long
    Declare Function AtlAxGetControl Lib "ATL.DLL" Alias "AtlAxGetControl" (ByVal hControl As DWord, ByRef pObject As DWord) As Long

    Function AtlAxWinTerm () As Long
    UnregisterClass ("AtlAxWin", GetModuleHandle(%NULL))
    End Function

    Begin Const
    %Max_Param = 1
    %ID_OCX = 1001
    $myCLASS = "WMPlayer.OCX"
    End Const

    Dim Msg As Long
    Dim wParam As Long
    Dim lParam As Long
    Dim hDlg As DWord
    Dim wx, hy As Long
    Dim hCtrl As Long
    Dim vParam(%Max_Param) As Variant
    Dim oMediaPlayer As DWord


    Dialog New 0, "Media Player", -1, -1, 220, 300, %DS_CENTER, 0 To hDlg

    Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgProc

    CallBack Function dlgProc()
    ' -- Test for messages
    Select Case CBMSG


    Control Add "AtlAxWin", CBHNDL, %ID_OCX, $myCLASS, 10, 50, 200, 200, %WS_CHILD Or %WS_VISIBLE
    Control Add Button CBHNDL, %ID_PLAY, "Play", 10, 10, 50, 25, Call Play
    Control Add Button CBHNDL, %ID_QUIT, "QUIT", 70, 10, 50, 25, Call Quit
    Dialog Get Client CBHNDL To wx, hy
    Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %ID_OCX, 1, 1, 1, 1
    Control Handle CBHNDL, %ID_OCX To hCtrl
    AtlAxGetControl(hCtrl, oMediaPlayer)
    Case %WM_COMMAND
    Case %WM_TIMER
    Case %WM_CLOSE
    Case %WM_DESTROY

    End Select
    End Function

    CallBack Function Quit()
    Dialog End CBHNDL
    End If
    End Function

    CallBack Function Play()
    vParam(1) = ""
    COM_EXECUTE(oMediaPlayer, "Url", %TB_DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, vParam, 0)
    End If
    End Function

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