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Thread: module maker test :)

  1. #1
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    module maker test :)

    hi charles, some month ago I tested this module maker part with some problems, but now I have tried to use your oxygen module maker dll example again and it works. It was just an idea to proof it. thanks for your great work!

    I've only add a lightspeed constant value. please see the curious result with odded nine numbers after the point

    'thinBasic Modules in Oxygen


    Uses "x-men"
    MsgBox 0,greet "2: welcome to all new mutants in our school ", %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"
    MsgBox 0,"cube parameter result ^3: " + cubed 3, %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"
    MsgBox 0, "Light speed in a vacuum (m/sec): " + lightspeed, %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"

    all more in zip file.

    best regards, frank
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  2. #2

    Re: module maker test :)

    Hi Frank,
    This should return LightSpeed correctly. Parameter e is parsed but is otherwise unused in the function.


    '-----> frankos input--------------->
    'Light_speed_in_a_vacuum_(m/sec) , "299792458"
    function lightspeed alias `lightspeed` () as ext external

    dim As Long ParensPresent
    ParensPresent = thinBasic_CheckOpenParens_Optional
    dim as ext e,lightspeed
    lightspeed = 299792458
    If ParensPresent Then thinBasic_CheckCloseParens_Mandatory
    function = lightspeed
    end function
    '-----> frankos input--------------->

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: module maker test :)

    hi charles, can you check my new example please ?

    'thinBasic Modules in Oxygen


    1) thinbasic test part

    Uses "x-men"
    MsgBox 0,greet "2: welcome to all new mutants in our school ", %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"
    MsgBox 0,"cube parameter result ^3: " + cubed 3, %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"
    MsgBox 0, "Light speed in a vacuum (m/sec): " + lightspeed, %MB_OK, "test OXYGEN x-men example"
    MsgBox 0, Str$(lightspeed)
    MsgBox 0, lightspeed

    2. module maker dll part:

    [code=thinbasic]'Light_speed_in_a_vacuum_(m/sec) , "299792458"
    function lightspeed alias `lightspeed` () as ext external

    dim As Long ParensPresent
    ParensPresent = thinBasic_CheckOpenParens_Optional
    dim lightspeed as ext
    lightspeed = 299792458
    If ParensPresent Then thinBasic_CheckCloseParens_Mandatory
    function = lightspeed
    end function
    '-----> frankos input--------------->

    my three results you can see above. something wrong with "ext" ?

    all again in zip folder.

    nice day, servus, frank
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    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

  4. #4

    Re: module maker test :)

    Sorry Frank, I do not understand what your code is trying to do. Why are you passing a parameter when calling the Lightspeed function?


  5. #5
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Germany, Bad Sooden-Allendorf
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    Re: module maker test :)

    hello charles, the problem of parsing belongs to the numbers with the lines

    "dim lightspeed, v as ext"

    [code=thinbasic]'Light_speed_in_a_vacuum_(m/sec) , "299792458"
    function lightspeed alias `lightspeed` () as ext external

    dim As Long ParensPresent
    ParensPresent = thinBasic_CheckOpenParens_Optional
    dim lightspeed, v as ext
    lightspeed = 299792458
    If ParensPresent Then thinBasic_CheckCloseParens_Mandatory
    function = lightspeed
    end function
    '-----> frankos input--------------->

    parsing part: If I only using one number (dim lightspeed as ext) the result for lightspeed is incorrect as you can see in my last post. If I am using two numbers (here: dim lightspeed, e as ext) the result for lightspeed is correct. that was the main reason for confusing me. perhaps something incorrect for parsing parameters with oxygen, don't know, it was only a test.

    best regards, frank
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    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

  6. #6

    Re: module maker test :)

    Hi Frank,

    Try removing this line in your function:


    You then have a function that takes no parameters and simply returns LightSpeed.


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