As far as I know it starts from date "01-01-0000" so from the first day of the first month of year zero.
Roberto will be more precise.
Number of seconds of the very first day:
uses "Console", "dt" printl DT_DateToSec("01-01-0000") waitkey
I was looking at DT_DateToSec and was wondering where it does its calculation from is it 01-01-1970 or 01-01-1900 or ??
Home Desktop : Windows 7 - Intel Pentium (D) - 3.0 Ghz - 2GB - Geforce 6800GS
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As far as I know it starts from date "01-01-0000" so from the first day of the first month of year zero.
Roberto will be more precise.
Number of seconds of the very first day:
uses "Console", "dt" printl DT_DateToSec("01-01-0000") waitkey
Last edited by ErosOlmi; 23-04-2011 at 19:19. | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Subj: DT_DateToSec and DT_SecTo_Date Only Seem To Work for > 4 A.D. or so.
If you try the following tb script the functions
DT_DateToSec and DT_SecTo_Date
only seem to work for > 4 A.D. or so.
'===================================================== uses "console","dt" console_write "01-01-1970 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-1970") & $CRLF console_write "01-01-0004 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0004") & $CRLF console_write "01-01-0001 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0001") & $CRLF console_write "01-01-0000 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0000") & $CRLF console_write "63000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(63000000000) & $CRLF console_write "10000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000000000) & $CRLF console_write "1000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000000000) & $CRLF console_write "100000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100000000) & $CRLF console_write "10000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000000) & $CRLF console_write "1000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000000) & $CRLF console_write "100000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100000) & $CRLF console_write "10000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000) & $CRLF console_write "1000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000) & $CRLF console_write "100 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100) & $CRLF console_write "10 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10) & $CRLF console_write "1 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1) & $CRLF console_write "0 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(0) & $CRLF console_waitkey '===================================================
Last edited by ErosOlmi; 26-04-2011 at 20:39.
Can this be fixed?
Also how can I confirm that the datetosec and sectodate formulas are working correctly for dates after Jan 1, 1970 ?
Any info on this?
I will check this night when back home | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Hi all,
I know why the function "DateToSec" doesn't work, for now the first date that work is 01-01-0002
I talk about this problem with Eros.
LapTop Pc: 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 • 2GB 533MHz DDR2 RAM • 160GB hard disk • 512MB ATi Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics • Win Vista SP1<br />Desktop Pc: 1.6GHz Intel Core 2 • 2GB DDR2 RAM • 1024MB Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT • WinXp SP3
there is a book of Peter Duffett-Smith : Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator
describe how to find the number of days lapsed from year January 1, 4713 BC Greenwich noon to any day of choice. so the julian day begins at 12 noon. if i am not wrong we can convert it to seconds by *24*60*60. the algorithm described in page 7 . may be this info can be used somehow. attached page 7 from google books i salvages from temporary internet files cache, i hope it is not harming the book copyright, if so Eros can delete it. i have tried the algorithm in the book to see the days between 1902,1,17 and 2011,4,26, it turns that it is 39911 days and using the DT_DateToSec it return 39911.
i think the zero year in astronomy is like 1900, 1800, etc
this site also calculate julian days
Uses "Console", "dt" Dim dt,dt2,difdt As Extended dt = DT_DateToSec("01-17-1902") dt2 = DT_DateToSec("04-26-2011") difdt=(((dt2-dt)/60)/60)/24 'number of days between ... PrintL difdt Dim days, daysTo, dif As Extended days = julian(1902,1,17) days = days - 0.5 daysTo = julian(2011,4,26) daysTo = daysTo - 0.5 dif = daysTo - days PrintL dif WaitKey '=========================================== Function julian(y As Extended,m As Extended,d As Extended) Dim y1,m1,d1,B,C,DD,A,JD As Extended If m=1 Or m=2 Then y1=y-1:m1=m+12 Else y1=y:m1=m End If If y>=1582 Then A=Int(y1/100) B=2-A+Int(A/4) Else B=0 End If If y1<0 Then C=Int(365.25*y1)-0.75 Else C=Int(365.25*y1) End If DD=Int(30.6001*(m1+1)) JD=B+C+DD+d+1720994.5 Function = JD End Function
Ok, I think I've got something working hopefully.
Please get attached thinBasic Date module and manually copy into thinBasic library directory in this way: unzip "thinBasic_DT.DLL" into \thinBasic\Lib\ directory replacing your current file.
I've made some tests but not all the tests I would have liked. Tomorrow, with the help of Simone, I will perform more tests and if needed I will amend again Date module. For your info, I work together with Simone in an Italian company.
The following code seems working as expected. If you have some tests resulting in wrong output, just post your code and I will have a look tomorrow.
Output of the above program:Uses "Console" Uses "DT" DT_SetDateSeparator("/") Dim lCounter As Long Dim nDates As Long = 12 Dim sDates(nDates) As String sDates( 1) = DT_GetDate sdates( 2) = "01-01-1970" sdates( 3) = "01-17-1902" sDates( 4) = "02-29-0004" sDates( 5) = "01-01-0003" sDates( 6) = "12-31-0002" sDates( 7) = "01-01-0001" sDates( 8) = "12-31-0000" sDates( 9) = "12-30-0000" sDates(10) = "01-02-0000" sDates(11) = "01-01-0000" sDates(12) = "00-00-0000" For lCounter = 1 To nDates If Len(sDates(lCounter)) = 0 Then Iterate For PrintL "DateToSec: " & sDates(lCounter) & " -> " & RSet$(DT_DateToSec(sDates(lCounter)), 12) & " " & _ "SecToDate: " & DT_SecToDate(DT_DateToSec(sDates(lCounter))) Next PrintL "---Press any key to continue---" WaitKey
DateToSec: 04/26/2011 -> 63471081600 SecToDate: 04/26/2011 DateToSec: 01-01-1970 -> 62167305600 SecToDate: 01/01/1970 DateToSec: 01-17-1902 -> 60022771200 SecToDate: 01/17/1902 DateToSec: 02-29-0004 -> 131414400 SecToDate: 02/29/0004 DateToSec: 01-01-0003 -> 94780800 SecToDate: 01/01/0003 DateToSec: 12-31-0002 -> 94694400 SecToDate: 12/31/0002 DateToSec: 01-01-0001 -> 31708800 SecToDate: 01/01/0001 DateToSec: 12-31-0000 -> 31622400 SecToDate: 12/31/0000 DateToSec: 12-30-0000 -> 31536000 SecToDate: 12/30/0000 DateToSec: 01-02-0000 -> 172800 SecToDate: 01/02/0000 DateToSec: 01-01-0000 -> 86400 SecToDate: 01/01/0000 DateToSec: 00-00-0000 -> 0 SecToDate: 00/00/0000 ---Press any key to continue--- | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
My tests so far show good results.
Later, I will compare more recent dates against my Perl and C library results.
There are only 4 digits in the year.
What about when we hit the year 10000?
The dreaded Y10K problem.
lol, hehehe just kidding.
We won't have to worry about that for a while.
' --- trydt.bas April 27, 2011 ---
uses "console","dt"
console_write "01-01-1970 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-1970") & $CRLF
console_write "01-01-0004 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0004") & $CRLF
console_write "01-01-0003 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0003") & $CRLF
console_write "01-01-0002 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0002") & $CRLF
console_write "01-01-0001 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0001") & $CRLF
console_write "01-01-0000 -> " & dt_datetosec("01-01-0000") & $CRLF
console_write "63000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(63000000000) & $CRLF
console_write "10000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000000000) & $CRLF
console_write "1000000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000000000) & $CRLF
console_write "100000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100000000) & $CRLF
console_write "10000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000000) & $CRLF
console_write "1000000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000000) & $CRLF
console_write "100000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100000) & $CRLF
console_write "10000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10000) & $CRLF
console_write "1000 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1000) & $CRLF
console_write "100 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(100) & $CRLF
console_write "10 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(10) & $CRLF
console_write "1 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(1) & $CRLF
console_write "0 secs -> " & dt_sectodate(0) & $CRLF