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Thread: TAB Alpha Version 48

  1. #1
    Senior Member catventure's Avatar
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    TAB Alpha Version 48


    New update released today.

    Details below bring up to date:

    ALPHA Version History Change Log
    08 Jan 2009 (Release 4
    *FIX. "say to <char>" typed without any character commands does not now print System Message 84.
    (replies to this can be handled explicitly in Character Commands List - see "")

    *FIX. "autoremoveobj" was not checking objects carried value before moving a worn object to player's held inventory.

    *NEW. %cap% format tag. Auto-capitalises first letter of first word in text only. Useful for character name text that does not start with a capital letter eg:
    "%cap%the black cat"

    *FIX. Slight adjustment to turnscount routine.

    *NEW formatting code tags:
    %he.she.speech% - print "he", "she" or "it" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")
    %him.her.speech% - print "him", "her" or "it" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")
    %his.her.speech% - print "his", "her" or "its" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")

    *NEW Conditions:

    charitemscarrX[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemscarr1< 3#rem: Is character number 1 carrying less than 3 items?

    charitemswornX[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemsworn16> =9#rem: Is character number 16 wearing 9 or more items?

    charitemscarrn1[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemscarrn1< 3#rem: Is character charn1 carrying less than 3 items?

    charitemscarrn2[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemscarrn2< 3#rem: Is character charn2 carrying less than 3 items?

    charitemswornn1[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemswornn1> =9#rem: Is character charn1 wearing 9 or more items?

    charitemswornn2[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
    eg: #charitemswornn2< 3#rem: Is character charn2 wearing less than 3 items?

    You can also use the %speech% formatting suffix for the SPEECH Character eg:

    #charitemsworn%speech%<4#rem: Is speech character wearing less than 4 items?

    charsamelocX,Y - Are characters X and Y both present in the SAME ROOM?

    *NEW Actions:

    speech=charn1 - set speech to be number of charn1

    speech=charn2 - set speech to be number of charn2

    speech=X - set speech to character number X (1-100)

    smessX - same as "messX" except only works in Speech Command Responses

    scmessX$ - same as "cmessX$" except only works in Speech Command Responses

    charcharn1msg - similar to "charobjn1msg". Prints Character n1 examine text

    charcharn2msg - similar to "charobjn2msg". Prints Character n2 examine text

    *FIX. A blank line is not now output as a result of a Response code entry where no text is actually outputted

    *IMPROVED. "charlocX" CONDITION can now be tested against player current room number:
    charlocX [ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] room
    Example: "charloc5=room"

    *MODIFIED. F1 input command history reversed and text caret now appears at end of text

    *NEW. System Message 86 (previously unused) can be optionally used for an extra reply when Player types in a valid Character Speech Command:

    >farmer, go east

    The farmer listens to your request.

    The farmer travels east.

    *NEW. "speechlistoff" ACTION command.
    This action turns off Speech Character Command message reporting via "cmess", "mess" and other speech actions that print text - but only if the Speech Character is not in the same location as the Player. In such a situation any actions other than text output will still be carried out by TAB.

    *NEW. Implemented "oops" command functionality on current input phrase eg:
    >examine tablee

    Sorry. I do not understand the word "tablee" as a noun.

    >oops table

    The table is very ornate and polished.

    *FIX. "score", "score+X" and "score-X" actions now update statusbar text pane if followed by a "done" action

    *FIX. "presskey" and "keypress" actions scroll behaviour corrected

    24 Dec 2008 (REVISED Release 47)
    *FIX. Character Speech Coding error in ""

    *IMPROVED. Quotation marks deleted from input command so that eg: >say to <char>,"hello" would still work.

    *NEW. "transcript" ACTION (for use in games with disabled menu)

    *MODIFIED. Interaction when commanding characters can now be accomplished via 3 ways:
    say <character>, command(s)
    say to <character>, commands
    <character>, commands

    *CHANGED. Changed Font for some Editor textboxes due to reported editing problems

    *NEW. An additional new text format command:
    The following will operate on valid Character noun1 and/or Character noun 2 words typed by player.
    %his.her.n1% - print "his", "her" or "its" depending on Char Noun 1's gender (male, female or "it")
    %his.her.n2% - print "his", "her" or "its" depending on Char Noun 2's gender (male, female or "it")

    *NEW. <F1> Key now holds last 10 player input commands history which can be scrolled and edited in Input Command textbox.

    *NEW "playmovieX$" ACTION
    Similar to "playmovie1X$" and "playmovie2X$" except will work in display modes 1 or 2. Plays videoclip in adventure window (which is also resizable during duration of movie) Example: #playmovietest.wmv#

    *NEW. 2 new Conditions:
    "anycharsroom" - are any characters present in current room?
    "anycharsX" - are any characters present in room X?

    *NEW. 2 new Actions:
    "showobjs" - list objects visible in current room (listing fashion is dependent on "objlistoff" setting)
    "showchars" - list characters present in current room (listing fashion is dependent on "charlistoff" setting)

    *FIXED. Errant "incflag" messagebox removed

    28 Nov 2008 (Release 46.9)
    *FIX. Save/Load Data and Save/Load Game Position updated to fix Character movement problems.

    *ADDED. Syntax check for "/" (slash symbol) now present for Character Editor Nouns and Object Editor Nouns.
    Functions same way as in Vocabulary.

    *NEW. "presskey" action - same as "keypress" action except requires key "C" to be pressed instead of SPACE before continuing with game... System Message 69 (previously unused) now set to read: "Press C to Continue...". This eliminates windows system sound "ding" present in "keypress" action.

    22 Nov 2008 (Release 46.
    *FIX. "pattcharX=Y$", "pattcharn1=Y$" and "pattcharn2=Y$" actions were faulty and causing problems in character movement.

    19 Nov 2008 (Release 46.7)
    *FIX. "openobjn1", "openobjn2", "closeobjn1", and "closeobjn2" ACTIONS were faulty and not working.

    08 Nov 2008 (Release 46.6)
    *FIX. "pattcharX=Y$" ; "pattcharn1=X$" ; "pattcharn2=X$" ACTIONS now working correctly

    *FIX. Character(s) moving by movement pattern glitch corrected.

    02 Nov 2008 (Release 46.5)
    *FIX. A minor but important deletion word handling fix.

    *FIX. The following actions were not taking Player inventory object carryable/weight status into account:

    *FIX. "getall" and "getallplus" actions amended to prevent error occurring.

    *CHANGED. Splash Screen close button now exits TAB Player

    30 Oct 2008 (Release 46.4)
    *FIX. A bug in Characters moving by walk pattern that was causing TAB to crash.

    *FIX. A bug in movement reporting message for Random Characters with prohibited location walk pattern.

    28 Oct 2008 (Release 46.3)
    *FIX. A "quit", "restart", "gameover" or dialogmess" action dialog box is no longer skipped/missing after a "More..." text prompt SPACE keypress.
    This was still causing trouble and is hopefully now fixed.

    27 Oct 2008 (Release 46.2)
    *CHANGED. Turns not incremented if player aborts or replies "no" to a typed QUIT input command

    *FIX. A "quit", "restart", "gameover" or dialogmess" action dialog box is no longer skipped/missing after a "More..." text prompt SPACE keypress!

    *IMPROVED. System Message 98 changed to support a plural format:
    " follows you.| follow you." (note spaces)
    Uses the bar/pipe symbol "|" to split text between singular and plural.
    If more than one character following the Player then TAB will now print the second version of this message. Text is still customizable.
    eg: "Billy the thief and Roger your canine companion follow you."

    *CHANGED. Script 2 is now processed AFTER any Character movement reporting.

    22 Oct 2008 (Release 46.1)
    *FIXED. "ask" action does not now wrongly process Script2 entries twice

    *CHANGED. Turns are not incremented if Player replies "no" or "cancel" to a restart operation or cancels a save game position or load game position operation either from the adventure menubar or as a result of a typed input command.

    *REMOVED. Some code testing dialog box now deleted from longŻverb function

    *IMPROVED. Characters set to "follow" in the Character Editor can now be accepted with a Start Location of 0.

    *IMPROVED. When an object is set as a container the corresponding location text is set to: "Inside of <object noun keyword>." instead of "Inside of Object <object number>"

    catventure. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: TAB Alpha Version 48


    thanks for letting us know, sound interesting from feature point of view.
    How is going developement of games? Any news on "Emilys Dream"?

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
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    Re: TAB Alpha Version 48

    again, a great release. Thanks for sharing!

  4. #4
    Senior Member catventure's Avatar
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    Re: TAB Alpha Version 48

    Hi Petr and Michael,

    The "Emily's Dream" game was put on hold so that the author could have time to create a special text adventure game using TAB - and there are at least 2 others I know about that are being developed by other TAB users - one I believe is close to completion..
    I will keep you posted. Hopefully the Alpha stage will be nearing end soon.

    catventure (Phil) - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

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