Hi Guys, I made a slight addition to alpha version 2 and named it 2.1 This has nothing to do with the game being advanced, but it adds for some testing sub routines. This will help me make really awesome backgrounds with the information I gather from you guys.
As you are playing topdown3d, when you see backbround that looks stunning, press L, for Like. If you see a background that is absolutely hideous and you can't stand press D for dislike.
With Eros's help it will append data I can study to 2 text files:
After a few weeks of playing and marking your likes and dislikes, and do not worry about duplicates in there. So don't wonder did I select this one before. Just if you see something you love mark L , something you hate D, I can easilly sort them once I get the data.
So have fun playing and only mark those that you really like and hate, the I don't care either way ones just leave them be for now.
Don't forget you can hit R at any time to get a new backbround and of course new game. So if you just feel like making likes and dislikes in an evening you can quickly go through many screens this way.
Big thanks to Eros for helping me with the append file command.
Just place this version in your alpha 2.0 version folder.