6 Attachment(s)
TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Feb 23 2013 ]
Hi all,
This tool allows you to create BMP texture in power of two size from 256x256 to 4096x4096 for use with TBGL_LoadBMPFont.
Sizes 256x256 and 512x512 are safe for any hardware today, for the bigger ones better to check first for supported texture size.
Hope you will like it,
1.1 - saves to TGA with alpha, color fades for font
1.3 - allows elemental shading and outlining
1.4 - application has fixed size window, ability to export 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 and also 4096x4096 bitmaps
1.5 - user can specify shadow offset
1.6 - added support for symbol fonts (thanks Rene for noticing problem)
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
tiny update commited, please re-download from first post.
TGA texture save is here ( to store alpha ), the most visible change is option to choose color-to-color fade for font.
Hope you will like it.
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
Thanks Petr, can't wait to try it out this weekend! It is really nice. Thanks Petr, the going between colors is a super addition!!
When you have time maybe color left to right might be neat option or 45 degrees if possible. Not all at the same time, but one from an option.
up/down or left/right or diagonal left/right.
I can't think of anything else really. Thanks this is fun to play with and I am sure will add lots to projects!
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
I will relax now a bit but I think it should be practicable.
I am just not sure if it will not strike eyes too much to have diagonal or left-right fades, but I will try.
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
No rush, just to make it complete it would be nice if doable. This is more than I ever hoped for already, so thanks!
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
Hi Petr,
can it create shadows and outlines?
Great tool btw.
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
Hi Mike,
both requests a bit tricky, but both on the wishlist and in process.
I think outlines could be done first, will have a look at it!
2 Attachment(s)
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
I am working on it :)
In the meanwhile, you can see improvement in handling of color fading on attached picture.
The upper line is how it will look in new version once it will be out, the lower one how does it look in current release.
The new one maintains antialiasing of characters, which results in much smoother and font shape accurate results.
Big issue is doing outlines plus fadeout, it has some artifacts I strongly dislike so there is still lot of work. So second picture shows outlines, but with single color body.
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 24 2007 ]
Re: TBGL Font Creator [ UPDATED Aug 01 2009 ]
Thanks Petr for posting the new version. :)
Possible small Font Creator correction?
Hi, Petr
I realized that BMP fonts have excellent quality if 2 conditions are met. 1 - good font file and 2 - TBGL window working with antialiazing and filtering on. The texts are simply great. The problem is that the font creator app handles only 512x512 pix image files. 512x512 will be ok for small size texts if text quality in the file is ok but the truth is that the antialiazing and the alpha channel are not very good. 4 times super-sampling can fix the problem. I can do it manually its not big deal.
Is it very hard to change it to work with bigger files? Like just add some more values in the image size drop-down menu. 4k x 4k will be really great. Well generally 1k x 1k will be sufficient for nice texts on screen but final texture will be scaled down (sub-sampled) by factor of 4 /like in Photoshop or something else/ so any aliazing issues will be gone. Even Intel GMA adapters handle 4k x 4k textures well nowadays. Its some kind of nightmare to write good quality texts in DX or OGL.
Last question: is it possible to redirect text output to texture instead of screen ? Its just a question.
kernings and letter widths
I see that a good work have been done here. But for some fonts the widths are just necessary to write a beautiful text.
In bitmap fonts there are several ways to specify letter widths. the easiest is to load an xml file or txt file with the same name of bitmap
wich contains the data for each letter.
I used to work with "littera" website for creating such data files. it's awesome , free and online (with the possibility to save the project not only the
the problem is to reprogram the printbitmapfont function according to that file format. i think is not so hard. (just load the txt or xml file to memory)
check it out you wont be disappointed: