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Multi layer scrolling
Here is a quick and rough demo of a two layer sprite based scrolling demo, it needs a lot of work but it shows whats possible.
I am still working on the tiles and the scroll routine.
Update :
08-nov-2012 - I have now finished my simple scroll routines that should be easy and flexible to use with the sprite system.
added cursor key support up,down,left,right.
next step clean up code and release.
25-Nov-2012 - Code has been cleaned up and is ready for release it has room for improvement and the map could be enhanced by adding the dimensions to the data file(map wdith/height and tile width/height). Have fun
Very nice,
framerate is about 400 FPS on my GeForce G210M.
sorry, I missed your great example.
But is it thinBasic developed? :D
Quite impressive. Here FR is quite fixed on 60FPS
I'm looking at your private suggestion ... ;)
Hi Eros,
I think your FPS is locked at 60FPS because your display is 60Hz and you have enabled V-sync (Vertical synchronization) in OpenGL settings of your GPU.
Right you are.
Set vSync off and now it runs at 700 FPS
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Thank you everyone, I have been tweaking it and now have a better speed control system.
Eros would you be as impressed if i had submitted this version.
updated original thread
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cool, when can i play the next level? :good:
Does this example use periodic function? It has very low CPU usage here.
Rene, I will be giving you the code so you can create your own.
Yes I tried clamping the framerate at about 20-30 fps.
Petr, I will send you the script for any tips you might have.
Mike C.
updated original thread
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sorry, but where are the textures? cannot find them :(
As I said I would post the script, you can add your own textures.