1 Attachment(s)
A challenge porting from FreeBasic (and originally from C)
Hi Petr, Eros, and Michael,
I'm attaching a neat little program from FreeBasic which I translated from C. The original program was from a math professor friend of mine, George Francis (at U of I... George uses my Python OpenGL text with his REU freshmen).
I would like to translate this program to thinBasic, but the glGetFloatv command, which fetches the aff() matrix (affine matrix) in the chaptrack() function seems problematic. Heck, there are a few other commands that are difficult for this thinBasic newbie, also!
Anyway, if time permits, please take a look and see if anything can be recommended?
What I like about this program is that it allows you to visualize 3D parametric surfaces and rotate them "trackball" style with the mouse (there is a python version in my text, also).
The tro.zip file contains both the .bas file and the .exe file.
Porting question from "raw" OpenGL
I worked on porting my FreeBasic OpenGL program over the weekend and became stuck on the following two lines in the chaptrack function:
glMultMatrixf @aff(0)
glGetFloatv GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX, @aff(0)
The aff() matrix is the affine matrix used in the rotations of the 3D figure. I use the GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX because it is handy and not being used for any other purpose ;)
Anyway, I'm using a pointer to multiply the aff() matrix by the current transformation/rotation matrix and then storing the newly transformed matrix in GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX. Again, using pointers...
I am not certain how to do this using TBGL or raw OpenGL in thinBasic... I tried using varptr but obviously did not know what I was doing :D
Thanks for any "pointers" you might have,