Oxygen within thinBasic - some Feedback
This is just some feedback to mirror reasons why I never thought about using Oxygen within tB and never had a closer look at it. Maybe other users experienced similar impressions. This is not supposed to be an offense but to clearify why one would not try to use it, because I think it merits to get paid more attention.
All posts in this forum-section are older than a year or so... has there been no change in all this time? I really thought built-in oxygen-module would be some forgotten leftover of old times and became an own language later.
Anyway, thinBasic-help tells only
How to do?
Inside your script, before calling any module specific keyword, add the following:
How to do?
To have more info about this fantastic module see Oxygen dedicated thinBasic community forum
I think there would be better a link to HERE instead of a dead link and to this current forum-section here or to the oxygen-forums and also some note to check oxygen-help (which I honestly discovered yesterday!) from thinAir-User-Help too.
The Oxygen-helpfile ("About Asmosphere") should document Oxygen-basic too. Also in there is a dead link to some forum which made me think it's outdated already and the with tB shipped oxygen-examples should be checked- there are so many that don't run - so is no good way to learn from them, since someone who's learning it can only guess what the reasons for errors are. For someone who does coding for fun it's daunting to have to browse a few dozen samples over and over again to find out how to.
So it would be nice to have a description how oxygen-jit works in general- so what the first steps are, even that one has to set up the oxygen-code inside some string first or to load it from some file and then to execute it. For you and people who studied informatics, that seems to be the logical way - but how could someone know who did not invent it?
Disturbing to me is also the pick of variable-names in the examples. Of course it's nice to have them examples small - but I would appreciate if demonstrational user-variables are not abbreviations but some readable words, so the code and what it does becomes easier to follow. It's already enough if the keywords are small.
Also documentation/samples on oxygen-site are somewhat cryptic and hard to understand for a beginner, so I have for example not understood yet what this means:
float v[q]<=(9,8,7,6,5,4,3)
why "<=" ??? - and why is "<=" twice in the keyword-reference but only information is "operators" and not a real description what it does. The layout of the online-oxygen-basic-doc is cumbersome, I would prefer some common help-file-style with some treeview/search/Index, favoured offline with fitting link to or at least mentioning the filename of some sample-script about this topic/method instead of opening a dozen tabs in my browser.
OK, this should be enough of the stuff that scared me away from using oxygen for now.