Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
I would first like to say that I think the module is a good idea. I would like to use it if you are willing to continue working on it. I do have a question about its further development.
Are there any plans for the module to be able to handle bitmaps? I was thinking that in a game using it that it would be good to be able to put bitmaps in the window and then move them around using the arrow keys.
I have a couple of ideas that sound like they would be workable using the module.
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
I'm working with the bitmap handling at the moment. I'm trying to make it as simple as I can, so you don't have to work with it so much (it's really hard to handle bitmaps in FB (imo), so that's why I'm simpling it for you).
The developing has been a bit slow in these few weeks, 'coz I've started to play MMORPG (it really wastes my time, but it's easier to play than develop :D) I'm still working on the module and I'll let you know the news as soon as possible!
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
Thanks for the message,
don't worry about playing games too much, better to code with relaxed brain than to bite fingers in nervous state :)
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
Gaming is inspiration and should be considered work for us too, well maybe research ? :)
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
I was wondering.....
Is the FBGFX module still being developed?
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
FBGFX is not an official module. I released FBGFX module as source code to show how to implement a thinBasic module using FreeBasic compiler. Everyone can take it and play with it as preferred.
Misthema took it and implemented further adding new functions.
Everyone can do the same. It can be a very good way to understand how to develop thinBasic modules. And maybe it can be the basis for more advanced modules.
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
FBGFX is not an official module. I released FBGFX module as source code to show how to implement a thinBasic module using FreeBasic compiler. Everyone can take it and play with it as preferred.
Where can I get a copy of the source?
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
Eros, Thank you. I found it under \thinBasic\SDK\ file.
Re: FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
OK, perfect.
\thinBasic\SDK\ file contains info and examples on how to implement thinBasic modules in various languages.
Once you will be more familiar with DLL creation, you will see that a thinBasic module is quite easy to be implemented.