OK, thanks Charles, that explains it. Make a note for the help-file ;)
John, of course I got some plan and a goal in the end. It might take two years or more but I have no hurry - not with that nor with putting that shotgun into my mouth and pull the trigger :D
The way to get there needs a few steps and one of the most fundamentals is, that I need some very flexible, extremely dynamic, nodeable memory-management for the data i expect. The problem would be that I know how it will work but I have no clue how to manage this fast enough since these calls to calculate some pointer-position or index might occur twice or more often per codeline. So it has to go lightning speed to be of use. One key to get speed is to call functions with as few as even possible parameters byval and also few local variables - except statics of course.
I see no methods in oxygen-docs to alloc something and I don't know how to get the Heap_Size from tB to oxygen without passing it in each call. That would be no option.
Maybe you got some hint for me where the size of some allocated heap gets stored? Can oxygen identify some heap-memory that was allocated by tB somehow?
Does oxygen probably have own methods to allocate memory in any kind of blocks (but no ordinary strings) that would be accessable from tB then?
I'm definetely not interested if I would need any 3rd party software therefor.