nice idea! Don't know if not too much time consuming for Charles to develop, but mov, add ... would make code even more clear to understand.
But the current state is already terrific.
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nice idea! Don't know if not too much time consuming for Charles to develop, but mov, add ... would make code even more clear to understand.
But the current state is already terrific.
Yes I am seriously thinking about it Roberto. Most of it is straightforward, but there are some ambiguities which require interpretation. The 1:1 correspondance with machine code is not perfect. There are also a large number of instructions and their permutations so I will try to automate the coding, by interpreting the data directly from the manuals to avoid human error.
But even an incomplete implementation, could be made easier to use than the static inline assemblers in PB and FB.
Charles please let me know if you needs support.
Yes, that would be awesome.Quote:
Originally Posted by Charles Pegge
Always learning something new here,
I thought assembler = opcodes represented by name rather than hexvalue.
So now I see how highlevel assembler is comparing to machine code :)
do you think you need a FreeBasic SDK function that, giving a variable name, will return:
- the variable maintype (number, string, udt, variant, ...)
- the variable subtype (long, double, single, dynamic string, fixed string, ....)
- if variable is an array and how many elements
- the variable data pointer
- ...
Maybe you can interface script variable with Oxygen script on the fly like I did in MC string eval.
Let me know.
Yes I think that is a good direction to go in. There's some extra work involved for the more specialised types like EXT and CURRENCY which are not native to FB but as these are passed by pointer they can be handled easily at low level.
It will be nice to link variables and their attributes directly into Oxygen scripts. I am also looking at the logistics of adding Assembler directly to Oxygen.
I'm thinking how activate the syntax highlight for machine code into ThinAIR.
While if Charles will add the assembler interpreter feature this can be done using the marker blocking ASM ... END or ASM ASM (...) or the character "!" on each line as is the case with PB, how we can do it now with machine code?
What are yours suggestions?
thanks a lot for your time on this. ThinBasic support multi-line strings as you have seen in the many examples.
So opening double quote is in one line, then closing double quote can be many lines after.
If thinAir can manage this syntax, it could be very nice.
This feature is already there so maybe you can concentrate on this for the moment and see what comes out from machine code handling later.
Just my idea.
You are welcome.
Sorry but even if I can manage multi line I'm not able to recognize standard multi line from multi line that holds machine code.
Better should be an inline marker but with some additional work also START ... END marker block should be work.