I like to hear from others opinion and I like to express mine. That's the joy of a community.
My opinion is that thinBasic community forum has (at least but I'm sure there are more) more that 2000 source code examples posted by many users. But if I say they are 4000 I will not be far from the truth.
thinBasic application setup is released with more than 550 source code examples ready to be used. Check under thinBasic installation directory: \thinBasic\SampleScripts\
Plus there are other 55 or so advanced scripts working with advanced TBGL graphic concepts in TBGL Bonus pack
Even if there is no a new example every day or so, I think there is enough material to have a look and to learn from.
in the gfabasic32 http://gfabasic32.blogspot.com/ which resembles vb6 with a visual designer, and a compiler, there is a one post every 3 months http://gb32.proboards.com/. in many famous programming languages there are one post per several months. so it is not a problem if there is no code every day or several days.but i suggest to collapse the contents of the shout box to the shout box button. so only the programming threads , science , math are on the first page even the code threads may be little but more than other prog langauages sites.
Sorry zak but that forum has just 33 threads for a total of 117 posts. Last post 26 September 2011
It can be a great software but that is not the kind of community I have in mind.
In any case, I will try to follow your suggestion a bit trying to understand how to compress general purposes forums into few one, putting them after thinBasic specific area.