Porting question from "raw" OpenGL
I worked on porting my FreeBasic OpenGL program over the weekend and became stuck on the following two lines in the chaptrack function:
glMultMatrixf @aff(0)
glGetFloatv GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX, @aff(0)
The aff() matrix is the affine matrix used in the rotations of the 3D figure. I use the GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX because it is handy and not being used for any other purpose ;)
Anyway, I'm using a pointer to multiply the aff() matrix by the current transformation/rotation matrix and then storing the newly transformed matrix in GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX. Again, using pointers...
I am not certain how to do this using TBGL or raw OpenGL in thinBasic... I tried using varptr but obviously did not know what I was doing :D
Thanks for any "pointers" you might have,