Re: thinAir future
I like it too.
Problem is that Codesense has just one set of keywords. It will be possible to have all thinBasic native equates colored adding them in the set of the keywords, but not sure if able to have a color different from the real keywords.
I will see what I can do.
Re: thinAir future
Just one set of keywords? Uff, that is bad. I remember when I worked on IndeED, that I had to add more keyword groups to the SynEDIT components too. I think it is essential for syntax highlighting.
Re: thinAir future
Hi Eros,
Looking further ahead it would be great to have a edit control developed specifically for thinBasic. Then it would become possible to make it tightly integrated and super intelligent.
One of the biggest tasks for developing any substantial project is finding the right examples implementing the thousands of API functions, types and constants that are available today. A project may involve graphics, audio, networking, databases and AI. Very few people will have the time or the encyclopaedic knowledge required to master all of these in a lifetime. And you already have a large collection of valuable examples included with the current thinBasic.
It would be great if such an editor could be supported by a database of code and able to locate the required source code (and web links) whenever the need arises, and help to patch it in to a project.
I am sure this will emerge in the future :)
Re: thinAir future
thinAir was using an edit control mainly developed my Roberto and that was our first choice at that time.
But we have seen that maintaining such a complex control it very time consuming and , if not constantly maintained, we will come to the current point where there a re very annoying GPF all around. That's why my decision to move into another direction.
I have full source code of Codesense. It is C++ but if needed in the future I can think to implement it.
In any case, I'm still in phase1: recover thinAir with a new edit control at the time it was left with previous control as fast as possible. All current functionalities must return to work under the new edit control and no GPF around. After that I can think about new implementations.
Re: thinAir future
Hi Eros,
Would it help to roll back to the prior version of thin Air in 1.7.8 as this seemed to be more stable - or is this just my subjective impression.
Re: thinAir future
Coming back to the future :)
The work need not fall on one person's shoulders.
An IDE developed in native thinBasic would be a great community project. Apart from a few fundamentals which require modular support, This is a perfect project for community participation.
In addition to the hard-core programming, there would also be opportunities for members with varying skills and experience to experiment with new features and contribute to the database/intelligence aspect of the IDE.
Re: thinAir future
hemmm, I'm sorry but I cannot share the project ATM because I do not have authorization to do it.
I would have for sure done but I cannot.
Maybe in few months when code will be mostly replaced by my own code, I will be in the position to do it.
PS: version 1.7.9 is exactly like version 1.7.8. I didn't apply any changes. That's one of the weird things about recent GPFs.
Re: thinAir future
That sort of strange behaviour where GPFs suddenly appear for no apparent reason is often caused by the program using disallocated memory. This kind of bug can lurk in the code undetected for a long time until environmental conditions change slightly. Not easy to trace.
On the subject of a community developed IDE, I was thinking of a more extended timescale - say 1-2 years hence. I think this would work very well as a low-pressure project.
Re: thinAir future
Finished to handle "File load/Save/Save as" functionalities.
Development is going quite well.
Re: thinAir future
Finished to handle Run, Obfuscate, Bundle, Debug functionalities.
Also defaulted all thinAir parameters to .INI file so thinAir will never touch OS registry anymore.