Hello there
I am come from Freebasic User and I had go at thinbasic. I am impress what does is do.
I have questions to ask.
1) What 3D models formats does ThinBasic can do? (For example low, B3D and so on)
2) The Open Gl is good fun but are there more tutorial for thinbasiic?
3) Does ThinBasic do have OOP?
The files size of exe on any program that are so small and that is impressive! :eusaclap:
I will try think of any questions if need
thank you for reading.
Re: Hello there
Ciao Swos and ... :welcome: to thinBasic community forum.
I will reply only on point (3) and leave the rest to more prepared TBGL experts.
I'm sorry but thinBasic does not implements OOP and will not do for some time at least.
But Charles Pegge has implemented a thinbasic module called Oxygen that is a Basic like + ASM programming language inside thinBasic and is able to compile on the fly some piece of code into machine code and than be executed by thinBasic script. Oxygen implemets some OOP statements.
On tutorials, we are preparing a thinBasic application that will be able to share tutorials created by many different users.
In the meantime maybe you can have a look at:
Petr Schreiber (TBGL author) web site http://psch.thinbasic.com/
TBJ (thinBasic journal) at http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?board=160.0
Re: Hello there
Welcome Swos,
ThinBasic module called TBGL uses its own M15 file format. This has mainly one reason - for example OBJ file format, although very simple, is generated in variety of "slightly damaged" versions - different line endings etc.
For this purpose, M15 is generated by "certified" converters, which take all the weight of world trouble ( :) ) as their job, so the M15 runtime handling can have very small footprint, not hold back by handling possible exceptions.
You can import from OBJ using tool TBGL OBJ to M15 converter.
You can also use Blender export script by Mike Hartlef. So using Blender abilities to import files, and then use script to make it M15.
Another 3D format handled in ThinBasic using DLL is MD2 - well known Id Software format.
I think ThinBasic has enough power to be used for creating custom loader of other formats - I prototyped M15/OBJ/MD2(which is binary) loading using TB.
Regarding tutorials specific to 3D graphics:
- Browse articles and tutorials section on TBGL website
- Download TBGL BonusPacks (package of scripts divided to sections).
- ThinBasic Journal
- Sample scripts in ThinBasic installation
Re: Hello there
Hi Swos,
welcome on the forum. Petr explained the 3d part well. Soon we will release a new update of TBGL that will contain over 70 new commands for sprite handling.
There are also two other modules that were made with game development in my mind, TBEM and TBDI. The first implements an event manager and the second implemented support for controller, even Force Feedback if you need. I also have a new module in the works that will bring 3D path finding and waypoint management to thinBasic.
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy thinBasic as much as we do and please feel free to make suggestions and ask questions.
Re: Hello there
thank you for all answers.
I have notice that when come into making program that are 1.85KB then if I want make into Bundle(i.e. Machine code or .exe) and the files size is go up 300k or 500k......it would be nice if the files size of bundle were under 64KB
is that possible?
Re: Hello there
No,it is not possible. Thinbasic is an interpreter and so by nature bigger than a specialized compiled exe. A bundle contains the bundled scripts, modules(dlls), the thinBasic executable and any file you bundle with it.
Re: Hello there
that is understandable. Does Thin Basic have Documents with all the commands(offline or online) as when I went to Help files to find all the commands in thin air IDE but couldnt find it.
Re: Hello there
help file can be launched by clicking Help/ThinBasic offline help.
Once the file loads up, you just pick thinBasic Modules and you can browse the functions.
Also, when you have opened some script in ThinAir, just move cursor to keyword and hit F1 to get context help.
All help files are located in CHM fileformat in Help directory of your ThinBasic installation.
Re: Hello there
thank you petr :D