Has anyone given any thought to what the game is going to be called?
Is it time for suggestions or do we wait until we have more of a product?
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Has anyone given any thought to what the game is going to be called?
Is it time for suggestions or do we wait until we have more of a product?
I say wait till we know which setting the game will have. We need to talk a lot.
Ok, Michale has introduced quitean interesting name for the game: GOVERN. Anymore ideas?
I think the Govern codename is good,
but person who does not know anything about project would expect some strategy game like Civilization from such a name.
I like th ename too, but thought the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by Petr Schreiber
Just some names for the mix...
Thin-Air (Suggesting anti-pollution.)
Tyranny World Cup 3K
The Last Mile
Green-Air (Again, suggesting anti-pollution, Air to the throne, Also a familiar aviation term since the EPA hit them.)
Air-Borne Fate (Suggesting "Large" military style ships, and Fate, as in death and destiny)
Thinking of more...
some really nice once. Thanks!Quote:
Originally Posted by ISAWHIM
"Race to Rule" the only one I can come up with after seeing the great list of other names.
Could also be written as Race2Rule
I also wanted to add...
"The First Mile", (As it sounds more positive, like growth, as opposed to the last mile. However, the last mile is how you describe the hardest part of the final journey... towards "Planet recovery, via Govern Rule, or Tyranny".)
I suppose we could also use...
"The Mile" or "The Kilometer" (Hehe, The Killer Meter, like a psycho-taxi... beat the time, there is no end to the tracks. Your meter runs out... Boom... you've just been impeached!)
We could make the two race-styles being, "The FIRST Mile", normal races, instant action, qualifying heats...
While "The LAST Mile", would be the race styles for the tournaments, and the level-system thing... (Not sure what it was called.)
Being forced to complete all miles, in each area/town/city, as part of the "Structured races", as opposed to "Open play", where they can pick and choose individual unlocked tracks that are not part of the level-system.
Hehe... I added one more to the list...
Distant Air (Suggesting Air, as in air to the throne. Distant, as in a long race and as in hovercraft being distant off the ground.)
ThinAIR was already taken.