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Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Here it is, so much fun.
I marked the lines where you can make changes to fit your joystick or gamepad with '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
make sure you have thinbasic_TBDI.dll in your libs folder or put a copy into the bot folder.
who will add sound?
who will add an object to pick up and drop?
can't wait to see your additions.
I added 2 versions since the original post. The first is the original mix of buttons, sliders and axis controls.
I decided to make an all button version this way everyone can control it for sure. The video is the original version.
Button only:
Buttons 1 and 2 control the fingers
Buttons 3 and 4 rotate the base
Buttons 5 and 6 rotate arm1
Buttons 7 and 8 rotate arm2
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
That is cool kent. I got an idea for a nice game right away ;) Cool stuff.
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
this is nice, quite swift bot :)
P.S. kryton, where did you get drivers for my brain waves? - I wanted to color it the same way originally :D
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Mike the joystick commands are really intuitive and made it really easy. Great job you did with it!
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Petr, glad you had the same colors in mind. Nice that we have so many optional ways to color the models along the creation path and even to change after they are made.
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Originally Posted by kryton9
Mike the joystick commands are really intuitive and made it really easy. Great job you did with it!
Thank you Kent, I try to do the same with the force feedback stuff.
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Guys, the bot program used to work fine with my joystick, but when I added my gamepad, now neither the joystick or gamepad work with the program.
In control panel, I am able to use both of them fine for testing and calibration. Any ideas?
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
are you referencing to TBDI commands?
Now TBDI has a TBDI_Init function to be executed just after the window you want to control has been created.
Not sure I'm replying correctly here.
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
First, like Eros said, you need to add
TBDI_INIT(window_handle from the TBDL_Createwindow command)
Second, TBDI detects only the first joystick/Gamepad rigght now. So one will not work even if you have both connected.
Re: TBDI Test Program, Robot Arm
Thanks guys will try it tonight when I get back. Sounds like the solution for now!!