thinBasic main web page
You may have noted we (Petr Screiber and I) have revamped thinBASIC main web site at http://www.thinbasic.com/
The absence of a main web site has been a great mistake for a while.
We are trying to recover this situation creating an easy to be navigated but yet quite informative main web site able to describe as easier as possible what is thinBasic.
If you have any suggestion please let us know.
Very nice.
I can only check it out via phone currently and i only wanted to say
i'm still here but have no pc connected to the web but i'm following as reader.
As soon as i can afford it i will equip my truck with some laptop and use loading- and waiting-times to enrich TB with my presence again.
I'll be back within the next 10 weeks. Be prepared- i've warned you :)
And we are waiting for you and your source :)
Have great time Rene!
Good luck for your job
Just.one funny thing: i have some Smartphone of the company i'm working for.
If tell it:'ok Google, thinBasic dot com" it Displays a lot of funny stuff but not thinbasic page. But if i say "ok Google Eros Olmi" it leads me here 😂
hehe :D
Google algorithms are a secret
Very nice to see you here, Rene :)
Take your time and I am looking forward to your magic once you'll have time to create again!
I like the new landing page. Well done guys!
I suggest some quick-link to support-section on the new main-web-page at www.thinbasic.com .
Anyway on the forums main-page at www.thinbasic.com/community/forum.php i miss the list of latest support-posts