3 Attachment(s)
MadPulsar - see your images like never before
the script in the attachement does some image manipulation which has not yet been shown in TBGL, but that is not the most interesting thing about the script.
Lately, I have created new framework to build my graphic work on. It is based heavily on custom entities of two kinds:
- actors - these are any entities with graphic representation, constructor, destructor and method pack
- animators - these are any entities which manipulate other actor or animator entities
Custom entities can be created using FuncSlot type of entity very easily, as has been discussed in article before. To create them faster I created ThinBASIC template for actors and animators, where you just replace "<object>" with your name for entity in the code and can start off. Just extract them to \thinAir\Template\TBGL directory.
I prepaired very primitive example where actor is "pulsar" and animator is responsible for animating all pulsars in the scene. It is quite performance expensive demo due to intensive blending, so I added some fine tuning parameters on the left. The bigger the pixel step and smaller the pulsar size will be, the faster it will go. Various parameters result in completely different output, I hope you'll like it.
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