Multy display support issues
Hi Petr,
I tested the example you sent me about multy display support. Here are some things that happened. It seems i only can start TBGL window on my first screen and then move it to my second . The problem is that i have primary LCD on my laptop running at 1366x720 at 60hz and secondary 800x600 50hz. So if i want a fullscreen TBGL window on screen 2 it sets the mode on my first screen /of course/ and then moves my TBGL window in second. Its not really very useful. I think we need option in TBGL_CreateWindowEx command about which one screen we need to create TBGL window and set the resolution. In case we work with maximized and normaly sized windows its not big deal because u can move window to the second screen and then show it up. But when i need to start the graphics full screen on second window and keep control interface on the first one, its not good to change first screen resolution. I hope i explained it enough clear with my broken english.
P.S. I forgot to mention if i move TBGL window on my second screen and then use command to set full screen mode it sets full screen on my first screen (where initially TBGL was born) with resolution set by CreateWindowEx...
TBGL multy-display fullscreen