I am going over things in the latest release of thinBasic and got an error when running the mandelbrot 4 demo.
I am running on Windows 7 64bit OS when getting the error. Screenshot attached showing the error. Hope it helps.
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I am going over things in the latest release of thinBasic and got an error when running the mandelbrot 4 demo.
I am running on Windows 7 64bit OS when getting the error. Screenshot attached showing the error. Hope it helps.
Hi Kent,
I was unable to find this file (I have too many!) - I think it must be an early version since the one I include in the examples/graphical folder is version MandTexCP14.
You might also be interested in seeing the first compiled 64 bit Asm in the Examples/Assembler/64bitMS folder. I hope my PE flags are correctly set for all the MS 64 bit platforms.
It is not possible to run this code directly from thinBasic because it won't work in a process launched in 32bit mode. So it creates an EXE file to run instead.
Now I have to write a 64bit runtime library for the Basic :)
Latest Oxygen
I was using the example from the oxygen sample scripts folder that comes with the latest thinBasic
I will grab the latest from your link, thanks!
You guys that develop languages, I tell you, your work never ends and so many things to face. All I can do is pat you on the back and encourage you guys to carry on for the rest of us!
Updated: The Oxygen dll is newer than the one in the latest thinBasic download too, so somehow an older oxygen must be bundled with thinbasic downloads.
Yes, this latest Oxygen was created today at 6:17 AM. I have taken out quite a few examples and introduced some new ones since March as well as altering the directory structure, which may be disruptive when installing updates of thinBasic.
Good find Kent,
I will make "installer error" report on this!
Charles, I almost forgot you code 64bit Oxygen, that is great!
Hi Petr,
Yes I have lept through the fire hoop without getting scorched! If you get the PE format wrong there are very few clues to help, and the documentation is quite thin. Also the placement of REX opcodes (to access higher registers and the extra bits) was not at all clear in the manuals. So trial and error was the only way.