thinAir future
Dear all,
as you may know, thinAir project has been created and always handled by Roberto Bianchi.
Roberto did an immense job but now it seem Roberto has too much work and he is not anymore able to dedicate enough time to the project.
So I've taken the decision to get thinAir under my hands and try to recover the situation of the many bugs recently found in it and (maybe) possibly implement it.
It will require some more time but I'm quite confident I will get it done in few weeks. I will continue to share and synchronize thinAir sources with Roberto so if at anytime he will be able to actively return on the project he will be in the condition to do it.
As a little tip: as first change, I'm going to substitute thinAir editor control (mainly done by Roberto) with a 3rd party one: CodeSense. I've used CodeSense for many years and so far I've never found a bug in it. In any case I have full C++ source code so if any bug will be found I will be in the condition to amend code and recompile it
My big thanks to Roberto for all the great job done so far and for his future.
Re: thinAir future
Hi Eros,
after i offered my help to maintaiin thinAir it sounded that Roberto will work on it again. But real life comes always first and has to be respected.
I wish Roberto all the best and hope that he will find time and motivation again to support thinbasic. Thanks for all the work he had done in the past.
Re: thinAir future
I think ThinAir was one of the important things that sets ThinBasic above a lot of other Basic language, a good editor bundled with a good language what more could your ask for.
Thanks go to Roberto for all his good work and its not the end of the thinbasic world, things change.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: thinAir future
thinAir development status
New Codesense editor control is now in place instead of previous standard control.
I'm going now to add syntax highlighting features.
Codesense has a lot of features. Among others: horizontal and vertical split bars, vertical selection and handling of text.
Re: thinAir future
Wow, you are fast. I love the split view!
Re: thinAir future
Will you implement folding? For me it doesn't matter but some people can't live without.
Re: thinAir future
No at least till thinAir will be complete with the new editor control.
Folding is not a native Codesense feature so adding them would require to program in C++ and I would like to avoid it as far as I can.
Anyhow windows splitting and code browser are in any case a valid solution to navigate though the code.
But once I will finish the main parts, I will go to develop windows docking including code browsers inside thinAir as a palette window. Plus many other things.
I will remove all thinAir parts that are not strictly related to thinBasic programming language. In my mind thinAir must be just for thinBasic language.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: thinAir future
thinAir development status
Syntax highlighting is almost done.
Development of this control seems going quite fast. It will require more time to connect all thinAir commands to Codesense control.
Re: thinAir future
How about things like $CRLF or the %equates. Can the control handle them in old way? Your screenshot showed that $tab was highlighted differently, or?
Re: thinAir future
Hi Eros,
I am happy the multiline string highlighting works like it should, good job!
Like Mike, I would like to see highlighting the equates like thinAir control did.