View Full Version : Textbox Callback

16-06-2009, 12:15
Hello Thinbasic Freaks :lol:

What's wrong with the following script? I get an error about CBMSG (not defined or misspelled keyword). CBMSG is also used in the Thinbasic textbox-example and works correctly with that script. So what am I doing wrong?

'Textbox Callback test
uses "ui"

begin const
end const

dim WindowMain AS DWORD

function TBMAIN()
DIALOG New 0, "Main Window",-1,-1, 110, 50, %WS_CLIPCHILDREN or %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0 To WindowMain

CONTROL ADD TEXTBOX, WindowMain,%textbox1, "", 5,25,100,10,,,textbox1proc

'---Show dialog
dim dlgCounter as long

Dialog Show Modeless WindowMain Call WindowMainProc
Dialog DoEvents 0 To dlgCounter
Loop While dlgCounter
end function

callback function textbox1proc() as long
select case cbmsg
select case CBCTLMSG
CONTROL GET TEXT WindowMain, %textbox1 TO Txt
msgbox 0,"You typed: " & Txt
end select
end select
end function

CALLBACK FUNCTION WindowMainProc() AS LONG 'Callback for dialog
SELECT CASE CBMSG 'Test for messages

Best regards,


16-06-2009, 12:23
You was almost there ;) (but I also need to add more checking in parsing :unguee: )

Change from:

CONTROL ADD TEXTBOX, WindowMain,%textbox1, "", 5,25,100,10,,, textbox1proc

CONTROL ADD TEXTBOX, WindowMain,%textbox1, "", 5,25,100,10,,, CALL textbox1proc

Also add a local variable named "TXT" in function "textbox1proc"


16-06-2009, 12:36
OUCH I looked over that for hours. Thanks for helping me out!

16-06-2009, 12:43
You can also just write something:

CONTROL ADD TEXTBOX, WindowMain,%textbox1, "", 5,25,100,10, call textbox1proc

because style and ExStyle are both optional.

thinBasic uses the keyword CALL to determine if the next token is to be considered a callback function name or not.


16-06-2009, 14:17
Okay, that clear. But now let's say I want to show a msgbox "thanks for your input" when the user press ENTER key or leaves the textbox with TAB or mouse. For leaving textbox with the mouse i guess i must use %EN_KILLFOCUS. But how to code ENTER and TAB in the Textbox callback? I love Thinbasic but i find those %-paramaters a little bit complicated and confusing :-S

16-06-2009, 15:00
I love Thinbasic but i find those %-paramaters a little bit complicated and confusing :-S


thinBasic follows what are know Windows SDK programming. It is more or less the same things you would do if programming in C or C++ without using any "wrapper".
It may sounds complex at first but if you will get it, than you will find familiar with many other low level programming.

Trapping ENTER or ESC or TAB key is not so easy and all depends on how a windows is showed on screen: MODAL or MODELESS

MODAL windows were thought to be used for dialog boxes where there is usually an OK (%IDOK) or CANCEL (%IDCANCEL) buttons: ENTER correspond to pressing the OK button while ESC corresponds to pressing CANCEL button.
When showing a window in MODAL way, windows automatically trap those keys and pass the corresponding messages to the textbox having the focus and than to the dialog (if the textbox callback return zero).
So if you transform your window to MODAL you will get all you need. See attached example
MODELESS windows were instead intended for complex window where the programmer has full responsibility to subclass or superclass controls. In MODELESS way, Windows does not handle ENTER or TAB or ESC key trap but you have to apply a subclass procedure that will handle the events before they are trapped by the OS. Unfortunately thinBasic cannot pass a script function to the OS telling you want to subclass a control. But in future maybe I will be able to add also this functionality

So, if you need to trap ENTER or TAB or ESC keys in one or more windows, use MODAL way like in the attached example.


16-06-2009, 16:41
Okay your explanation and example made it more understandable to me now. But I'm pretty sure I need some more help with this in the future, be prepared ;-)

18-06-2009, 10:20
Another question, as promised ;)
Sometimes I ask to myself: Am I the coder of my script or is it Eros? :lol:

Okay, I have a listview and I want to do something when the user press CTRL X or CTRL Y:

1. If CTRL X is pressed, the script must only respond if a row of the listview is selected
2. The script must always respond to CTRL Y (can pressed by user whenever the listview has focus or not)

I played a lot with %WM_KEYDOWN, GetWindowMultiKeyState, and GetWindowKeyState but the results are not good :fie:
